TNI - Technical standards information  - Czech standards - Page 11

Standards TNI - Technical standards information - Czech standards - Page 11

TNI is a national document or taken-over technical report (TR) or publically available specification (PAS) of European or international standardization organizations. - A technical informative document which contains technical data or technical solutions not included in valid standards. TNI usually contains certified data from withdrawn standards, whose preservation is useful, or technical requirements that have not got the assumption of “designation” yet to be “produced or sold” as a standard. They are marked with the abbreviation TNI and a six-digit number which is in accordance with Czech technical standards sorting (ČNS). - In the case of taken-over international or European document – the product is taken over from European and international standardization organizations TR and PAS supplementing set of standards and specifications with TNI designation. The labeling of these documents is similar to taken-over standards (TNI/TR and TNI/PAS).

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TNI 320000 (320000)

Terminologie plavidel a plavby.

Standard published on 1.4.2019

Selected format:
Czech -
Print design (77.30 USD)

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77.30 USD

TNI 332000-4-41 (332000)

Elektrické instalace nízkého napětí - Část 4-41: Ochranná opatření pro zajištění bezpečnosti - Ochrana před úrazem elektrickým proudem - Komentář k ČSN 33 2000-4-41 ed. 3.

Standard published on 1.8.2020

Selected format:
Czech -
Print design (9.20 USD)

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9.20 USD

TNI 332000-5-51 (332000)

Elektrické instalace nízkého napětí - Výběr a stavba elektrických zařízení - Obecné předpisy - Vnější vlivy, jejich určování a protokol o určení vnějších vlivů - Komentář k ČSN 33 2000-5-51-ed.3+Z1+Z2: 2022.

Standard published on 1.10.2022

Selected format:
Czech -
Print design (13.90 USD)

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13.90 USD

TNI 332000-6 (332000)

Elektrické instalace nízkého napětí - Část 6: Revize - Komentář k ČSN 33 2000-6 ed. 2.

Standard published on 1.3.2020

Selected format:
Czech -
Print design (22.30 USD)

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22.30 USD

TNI 332000-7-701 (332000)

Elektrické instalace nízkého napětí - Část 7-701: Zařízení jednoúčelová a ve zvláštních objektech - Prostory s vanou nebo sprchou - Komentář k ČSN 33 2000-7-701 ed. 2.

Standard published on 1.11.2008

Selected format:
Czech -
Print design (14.40 USD)

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14.40 USD

TNI CLC/TR 50480 (332010)

Determination of cross-sectional area of conductors and selection of protective devices

Standard published on 1.4.2015

Selected format:
Czech -
Print design (14.40 USD)

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14.40 USD

TNI IEC/TR 61200-52 (332010)

Electrical installation guide - Part 52: Selection and erection of electrical equipment - Wiring systems

Standard published on 1.11.2014

Selected format:
Czech -
Print design (9.20 USD)

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9.20 USD

TNI POKYN IEC 110 (332151)

Home control systems - Guidelines relating to safety

Standard published on 1.4.2015

Selected format:
Czech -
Print design (7.60 USD)

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7.60 USD

TNI IEC/TR 63161 (332202)

Assignment of safety integrity requirements - Basic rationale

Standard published on 1.4.2023

Selected format:
Czech -
Print design (17.80 USD)

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17.80 USD

TNI 334591-1 (334591)

Poplachové systémy - Poplachové zabezpečovací a tísňové systémy - Část 1: Návrh systému PZTS - Komentář k ČSN CLC/TS 50131-7: 2011.

Standard published on 1.8.2012

Selected format:
Czech -
Print design (9.20 USD)

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9.20 USD


Entries shown from 100 to 110 out of a total of 316 entries.

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