TNI - Technical standards information  - Czech standards - Page 24

Standards TNI - Technical standards information - Czech standards - Page 24

TNI is a national document or taken-over technical report (TR) or publically available specification (PAS) of European or international standardization organizations. - A technical informative document which contains technical data or technical solutions not included in valid standards. TNI usually contains certified data from withdrawn standards, whose preservation is useful, or technical requirements that have not got the assumption of “designation” yet to be “produced or sold” as a standard. They are marked with the abbreviation TNI and a six-digit number which is in accordance with Czech technical standards sorting (ČNS). - In the case of taken-over international or European document – the product is taken over from European and international standardization organizations TR and PAS supplementing set of standards and specifications with TNI designation. The labeling of these documents is similar to taken-over standards (TNI/TR and TNI/PAS).

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TNI CEN/TR 17614 (756781)

Standard method for assessing and improving the energy efficiency of waste water treatment plants

Standard published on 1.10.2021

Selected format:
Czech -
Print design (22.30 USD)

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22.30 USD

TNI 757021 (757021)

Kvalita vod - Metoda přídavků standardu.

Standard published on 1.1.2014

Selected format:
Czech -
Print design (7.60 USD)

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7.60 USD

TNI 757364 (757364)

Kvalita vod - Stanovení barvy pitné vody.

Standard published on 1.1.2014

Selected format:
Czech -
Print design (9.20 USD)

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9.20 USD

TNI 757507 (757507)

Kvalita vod - Stanovení uhlovodíků C10 až C40 ve vodách s nízkou koncentrací uhlovodíků - Metoda plynové chromatografie po extrakci rozpouštědlem.

Standard published on 1.2.2015

Selected format:
Czech -
Print design (7.60 USD)

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7.60 USD

TNI 757521 (757521)

Kvalita vod - Stanovení chemické spotřeby kyslíku (CHSKCr) - Metoda ve zkumavkách.

Standard published on 1.2.2013

Selected format:
Czech -
Print design (7.60 USD)

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7.60 USD

TNI 757531 (757531)

Kvalita vod - Stanovení adsorbovatelných organicky vázaných halogenů (AOX) v odpadních vodách s vyšší koncentrací chloridů.

Standard published on 1.11.2012

Selected format:
Czech -
Print design (7.60 USD)

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7.60 USD

TNI CEN/TR 16151 (757729)

Water quality - Guidance on the design of Multimetric Indices

Standard published on 1.9.2011

Selected format:
Czech -
Print design (9.20 USD)

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9.20 USD

TNI ISO/TR 11044 (757744)

Water quality - Scientific and technical aspects of batch algae growth inhbition tests

Standard published on 1.1.2011

Selected format:
Czech -
Print design (14.40 USD)

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14.40 USD

TNI CEN ISO/TR 15462 (757782)

Water quality - Selection of tests for biodegradability

Standard published on 1.4.2013

Selected format:
Czech -
Print design (13.90 USD)

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13.90 USD

TNI CEN/TR 16788 (758081)

Characterization of sludges - Guideline of good practice for thermal processes

Standard published on 1.8.2015

Selected format:
Czech -
Print design (22.30 USD)

Show all technical information.
22.30 USD


Entries shown from 230 to 240 out of a total of 316 entries.

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