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VDA – German association of automobile industry (VDA) consists of approximately 600 members, the companies that united in order to devote themselves to the research and production of flawless and safe cars of the future. In the country that is known for its successful development in the area of cars and trucks, the VDA association represents the car producers and supplier companies. It provides continuous and competitive use of their experience and knowledge. The cooperation between producers and suppliers in the VDA framework is unique in the world of automobile industry.
Leder, Kunststoffbahnenwaren und Textilien für Kraftfahrzeuge - Bestimmung der Scheuerfestigkeit von Textilien mit dem Martindale-Verfahren / Leather and Plastic Roll Stock and Textiles for Motor Vehicle - Determination of the abrasion resistance of fabrics by the Martindale method (12/2021) - Gruppenlizenz (group license), AGB (GTC) Art. 10, 2 - Language of the document German and English
Standard published on 1.12.2021
Selected format:Oberflächenmaterialien für die Kraftfahrzeuginnenausstattung Prüfung der Beständigkeit gegen Desinfektionsmittel - Surface materials for automotive interiors Testing of resistance to disinfectants (04/2023) - Gruppenlizenz (group license), AGB (GTC) Art. 10, 2 - Language of the document German and English
Standard published on 1.4.2023
Selected format:Prüfung der Beständigkeit gegen Ölsäure Leder und Lenkradummantelungen / Determination oft the resistance against oleic acid Leather and steering wheel wrapping materials
Selected format:Werkstoff-Klassifizierung im Kraftfahrzeugbau: Aufbau und Nomenklatur / Material classification in motor vehicle construction: Structure and nomenclature (Version 10/2021) - Gruppenlizenz (group license), AGB (GTC) Art. 10, 2 - Language of the document German / English
Standard published on 1.10.2021
Selected format:Werkstoffdatensatz - Spezifikation von Werkstoffen und Oberflächen in IT-Systemen / Material record - Specification of materials and finishes in IT systems (Version 01/2016) - Gruppenlizenz (group license), AGB (GTC) Art. 10, 2
Standard published on 1.1.2016
Selected format:Digitaler Datenaustausch in der werkstofflichen Bemusterung unter Berücksichtigung der 3D-Daten / Digital data exchange in material sampling taking into account 3D data - Gruppenlizenz (group license), AGB (GTC) Art. 10, 2 - Language of the document German and English
Standard published on 1.7.2022
Selected format:Werkstoffdaten - PG Digitales Werkstoff-Datenmanagement im Bemusterungsprozess
Selected format:Global Automotive Declarable Substance List (GADSL) (Version 02/2015) - Gruppenlizenz (group license), AGB (GTC) Art. 10, 2
Standard published on 1.2.2015
Selected format:Deklaration von Inhaltsstoffen in Bauteilen und Werkstoffen für den Automobilbau / Declaration of Substances in Components and Materials for the Automotive Industry (Version 06/2021) - Gruppenlizenz (group license), AGB (GTC) Art. 10, 2 - bilingual German and English
Standard published on 1.6.2021
Selected format:Kennwerte zur Werkstoffauswahl von Thermoplasten im Innenraum, Motorraum und Außenbereich / Data for selection of Thermoplastic Materials used in interior, exterior and engine compartment (Version 10/2020) - Gruppenlizenz (group license), AGB (GTC) Art. 10, 2
Standard published on 1.10.2020
Selected format:Latest update: 2025-03-12 (Number of items: 2 232 189)
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