VDE - German standards - Page 2255

Standards VDE - German standards - Page 2255

VDE - German association for electrotechnics, electronics and information technologies was founded as early as 1893. It supports modern education for professionals and high acceptance by people. It supports development of electrotechnics, electronics and information technologies and related technologies.
The main task of the association lies in safety in electrotechnics, elaboration of respected technical rules such as national and international standards, tests and certification of equipment and systems.
American version of VDE standards is marked as UL standard (Underwriters Laboratories).

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VDE 0102-10. Short-circuit currents in three-phase a.c. systems - Part 3: Currents during two separate simultaneous single phase line-to-earth short circuits and partial short-circuit currents flowing through earth.
(VDE 0102-10. Kurzschlußströme in Drehstromanlagen - Teil 3: Doppelerdkurzschlußströme und Teilkurzschlußströme über Erde.)

WITHDRAWN published on 1.7.1995

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German -
Print design (39.10 USD)

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39.10 USD

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E DIN IEC 73/74/CD-V:1995-07 WITHDRAWN

VDE 0103-10. Short-circuit currents - Calculation of effects in DC auxiliary installations in power plants and substations - Part 1: Definitions and calculation methods.
(VDE 0103-10. Kurzschlußströme - Berechnung der Wirkungen in Gleichstrom-Eigenbedarfsanlagen von Kraftwerken und Schaltanlagen - Teil 1: Begriffe und Berechnungsverfahren.)

WITHDRAWN published on 1.7.1995

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German -
Print design (71.20 USD)

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71.20 USD

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E DIN IEC 73/89/CD-V:1997-08 WITHDRAWN

VDE 0102-100. Short-circuit current - Calculation of currents in three-phase a.c. systems - Part 1: Principles requirements.
(VDE 0102-100. Kurzschlussströme - Berechnung der Ströme in Drehstromanlagen - Teil 1: Begriffe und Berechnungsverfahren.)

WITHDRAWN published on 1.8.1997

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98.20 USD

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E DIN IEC 74(CO)14:1979-08 WITHDRAWN

VDE 0805. Draft; revision of IEC publication 435: safety of data processing equipment.
(VDE 0805. Revision der IEC-Publikation 435: Sicherheit von Datenverarbeitungs-Einrichtungen.)

WITHDRAWN published on 1.8.1979

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128.00 USD

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E DIN IEC 74(CO)14/A1:1981-11 WITHDRAWN

VDE 0805/A1. Revision of IEC Publication 60435: safety of data processing equipment, amendment 1 to draft DIN IEC 74(CO)14/VDE 0805/08.79.
(VDE 0805/A1. Revision der IEC-Publikation 60435: Sicherheit von Datenverarbeitungs-Einrichtungen; Änderung 1 zum Entwurf DIN IEC 74(CO)14/VDE 0805.)

WITHDRAWN published on 1.11.1981

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German -
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49.10 USD

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E DIN IEC 74(CO)14/A2:1983-03 WITHDRAWN

VDE 0805/A2. Revision of IEC publication 435: safety of data processing equipment; amendment 2.
(VDE 0805/A2. Revision der IEC-Publikation 435: Sicherheit von Datenverarbeitungs-Einrichtungen; Änderung 2.)

WITHDRAWN published on 1.3.1983

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33.70 USD

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E DIN IEC 74(Sec)356:1994-04 WITHDRAWN

VDE 0805/A9. Safety of information technology equipment including electrical business equipment; amendment 9.
(VDE 0805/A9. Sicherheit von Einrichtungen der Informationstechnik, einschließlich elektrischer Büromaschinen; Änderung 9.)

WITHDRAWN published on 1.4.1994

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94.20 USD

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E DIN IEC 74(Sec)376:1994-08 WITHDRAWN

VDE 0805/A11. Safety of information technology equipment including electrical business equipment; amendment A11:1994-08.
(VDE 0805/A11. Sicherheit von Einrichtungen der Informationstechnik, einschließlich elektrischer Büromaschinen; Änderung A11:1994-08.)

WITHDRAWN published on 1.8.1994

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German -
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18.70 USD

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E DIN IEC 74/412/CD-V:1995-04 WITHDRAWN

VDE 0805/A13. Safety of information technology equipment, including electrical business equipment; Amendment A13.
(VDE 0805/A13. Sicherheit von Einrichtungen der Informationstechnik, einschließlich elektrischer Büromaschinen; Änderung A13.)

WITHDRAWN published on 1.4.1995

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German -
Print design (80.50 USD)

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80.50 USD

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E DIN IEC 74/484/CD-V:1998-05 WITHDRAWN

VDE 0805. Draft IEC 60950, third edition: Safety of information technology equipment.
(VDE 0805. Entwurf IEC 60950, dritte Ausgabe: Sicherheit von Einrichtungen der Informationstechnik.)

WITHDRAWN published on 1.5.1998

Selected format:
German -
Print design (261.40 USD)

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261.40 USD

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Entries shown from 22540 to 22550 out of a total of 22792 entries.

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