VDE - German standards - Page 2260

Standards VDE - German standards - Page 2260

VDE - German association for electrotechnics, electronics and information technologies was founded as early as 1893. It supports modern education for professionals and high acceptance by people. It supports development of electrotechnics, electronics and information technologies and related technologies.
The main task of the association lies in safety in electrotechnics, elaboration of respected technical rules such as national and international standards, tests and certification of equipment and systems.
American version of VDE standards is marked as UL standard (Underwriters Laboratories).

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E DIN IEC 78/183/CD-V:1996-10 WITHDRAWN

VDE 0682-415. Live working - Voltage detectors - Part 5: Voltage Detecting Systems.
(VDE 0682-415. Arbeiten unter Spannung - Spannungsprüfer - Teil 5: Spannungsprüfsysteme.)

WITHDRAWN published on 1.10.1996

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German -
Print design (61.80 USD)

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61.80 USD

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E DIN IEC 78/195/CD-V:1997-03 WITHDRAWN

VDE 0682-551/A1. Quality assurance plan and acceptance.
(VDE 0682-551/A1. Qualitätssicherungsplan und Abnahmeprüfung.)

WITHDRAWN published on 1.3.1997

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German -
Print design (16.60 USD)

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16.60 USD

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E DIN IEC 78/214/CD:1997-08 WITHDRAWN

VDE 0682-513. Live working - Conductor covers (line hoses) of insulating material for electrical purposes.
(VDE 0682-513. Arbeiten unter Spannung - Leiterseilabdeckungen aus isoliertem Material für elektrische Zwecke.)

WITHDRAWN published on 1.8.1997

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German -
Print design (61.80 USD)

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61.80 USD

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E DIN IEC 78/219/CD:1998-03 WITHDRAWN

VDE 0682-431. Live working - Portable phase comparators for use on voltages above 1 kV a. c..
(VDE 0682-431. Arbeiten unter Spannung - Ortsveränderliche Phasenvergleicher für Wechselspannungen über 1 kV.)

WITHDRAWN published on 1.3.1998

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German -
Print design (85.40 USD)

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85.40 USD

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E DIN IEC 78/221A/CD:1998-02 WITHDRAWN

VDE 0682-711. Live working - Ladders of insulating material.
(VDE 0682-711. Arbeiten unter Spannung - Leitern aus isoliertem Material.)

WITHDRAWN published on 1.2.1998

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German -
Print design (48.90 USD)

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48.90 USD

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E DIN IEC 78/228/CD:1998-08 WITHDRAWN

VDE 0682-315. Gloves and mitts of insulating material for electrical purposes without protective cover.
(VDE 0682-315. Handschuhe aus isolierendem Material zum Arbeiten an unter Spannung stehenden Teilen.)

WITHDRAWN published on 1.8.1998

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German -
Print design (23.60 USD)

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23.60 USD

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E DIN IEC 78/230A/CD:1998-02 WITHDRAWN

VDE 0682-306. Live working - Clothing for thermal protection of workers; thermal hazards of an electric arc - Part 1: Test methods.
(VDE 0682-306. Arbeiten unter Spannung - Thermische Schutzkleidung; Thermische Gefahren eines Lichtbogens - Teil 1: Prüfverfahren.)

WITHDRAWN published on 1.2.1998

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German -
Print design (38.90 USD)

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38.90 USD

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E DIN IEC 78/237/CD:1999-01 WITHDRAWN

VDE 0682-412/A1. Live working - Voltage detectors - Part 2: Resistive type to be used for voltages of 1 kV to 36 kV.
(VDE 0682-412/A1. Arbeiten unter Spannung - Spannungsprüfer - Teil 2: Resistive (ohmsche) Ausführung für Spannungen von 1 kV bis 36 kV.)

WITHDRAWN published on 1.1.1999

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German -
Print design (16.60 USD)

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16.60 USD

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E DIN IEC 78/242/CD:1998-08 WITHDRAWN

VDE 0682-743. Guidelines on care and maintenance of aerial devices with insulating booms used for live working.
(VDE 0682-743. Anleitung für die Pflege und Instandhaltung von Hubarbeitsbühnen mit isolierenden Hubeinrichtungen zum Arbeiten unter Spannung.)

WITHDRAWN published on 1.8.1998

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German -
Print design (23.60 USD)

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23.60 USD

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E DIN IEC 78/249/CD:1999-01 WITHDRAWN

VDE 0682-304. Conductive clothing for live working at a nominal voltage up to 800 kV a.c. or ± 400 kV d.c..
(VDE 0682-304. Schirmende Kleidung zum Arbeiten an unter Spannung stehenden Teilen für eine Nennspannung bis AC 800 kV oder DC ± 400 kV.)

WITHDRAWN published on 1.1.1999

Selected format:
German -
Print design (44.10 USD)

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44.10 USD

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Entries shown from 22590 to 22600 out of a total of 22792 entries.

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