VDE - German standards - Page 2268

Standards VDE - German standards - Page 2268

VDE - German association for electrotechnics, electronics and information technologies was founded as early as 1893. It supports modern education for professionals and high acceptance by people. It supports development of electrotechnics, electronics and information technologies and related technologies.
The main task of the association lies in safety in electrotechnics, elaboration of respected technical rules such as national and international standards, tests and certification of equipment and systems.
American version of VDE standards is marked as UL standard (Underwriters Laboratories).

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E DIN IEC 85/148/CD-V:1998-08 WITHDRAWN

VDE 0848-11. Low frequency magnetic end electric fields with particular regard to exposure of human beings - Instrumentation requirements and guidance for measurement procedures.
(VDE 0848-11. Messung von niederfrequenten magnetischen und elektrischen Feldern in Bezug auf die Exposition des Menschen - Spezielle Anforderungen an die Meßgeräte und Anleitung für die Messungen.)

WITHDRAWN published on 1.8.1998

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German -
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89.70 USD

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E DIN IEC 85/188/CD-V:1998-04 WITHDRAWN

VDE 0413-9. Electrical safety in low voltage distribution systems up to 1000 V a.c. and 1500 V d.c. - Equipment for testing, measuring or monitoring of protective measures - Part 9: Equipment for insulation fault location in IT systems.
(VDE 0413-9. Elektrische Sicherheit in Niederspannungsnetzen bis AC 1000 V und DC 1500 V - Geräte zum Prüfen, Messen oder Überwachen von Schutzmaßnahmen - Teil 9: Einrichtungen zur Isolationsfehlersuche in IT-Systemen.)

WITHDRAWN published on 1.4.1998

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German -
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E DIN IEC 85/199/CD-V:1999-10 WITHDRAWN

VDE 0413-10. Electrical safety in low voltage distribution systems up to 1000 V a.c. and 1500 V d.c. - Equipment for testing, measuring or monitoring of protective measures - Part 10: Combined measuring equipment for testing, measuring or monitoring of protective measures.
(VDE 0413-10. Elektrische Sicherheit in Niederspannungsnetzen bis AC 1000 V und DC 1500 V - Geräte zum Prüfen, Messen oder Überwachen von Schutzmaßnahmen - Teil 10: Kombinierte Geräte zum Prüfen, Messen oder Überwachen von Schutzmaßnahmen.)

WITHDRAWN published on 1.10.1999

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18.70 USD

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E DIN ISO 8529-1:2020-11 WITHDRAWN

VDE 0412-8529-1. Reference neutron radiations fields - Part 1: Characteristics and methods of production.
(VDE 0412-8529-1. Neutronen-Referenzstrahlungsfelder - Teil 1: Charakteristika und Verfahren zur Erzeugung.)

WITHDRAWN published on 1.11.2020

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German -
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E DIN ISO 8529-3:2022-10 WITHDRAWN

VDE 0412-8529-3. Reference neutron radiation fields - Part 3: Calibration of area and personal dosemeters and determination of their response as a function of neutron energy and angle of incidence.
(VDE 0412-8529-3. Neutronen-Referenzstrahlungsfelder - Teil 3: Kalibrierung von Orts- und Personendosimetern und Bestimmung ihres Ansprechvermögens als Funktion der Neutronenenergie und des Einfallswinkels.)

WITHDRAWN published on 1.10.2022

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German -
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23.60 USD

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E DIN IEC 86A/426/CD-V:1998-08 WITHDRAWN

VDE 0888-100-1. IEC 60794-1-1 - Optical fibre cables - Part 1: Generic specification; Section 1: General.
(VDE 0888-100-1. IEC 60794-1-1 - Lichtwellenleiterkabel - Teil 1-1: Fachgrundspezifikation; Allgemeines.)

WITHDRAWN published on 1.8.1998

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E DIN IEC 86A/427/CD-V:1998-08 WITHDRAWN

VDE 0888-100-2. IEC 60794-1-2 - Optical fibre cables - Part 1: Generic specification; Section 2: Basic optical cable test procedures.
(VDE 0888-100-2. IEC 60794-1-2 - Lichtwellenleiterkabel - Teil 1-2: Fachgrundspezifikation; Grundlegende Prüfverfahren für Lichtwellenleiterkabel.)

WITHDRAWN published on 1.8.1998

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German -
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66.30 USD

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E DIN IEC 86A/475/CD-V:1999-03 WITHDRAWN

VDE 0888-100-1/A1. Amendment 1 to IEC 60794-1-1: Annex D.
(VDE 0888-100-1/A1. Änderung 1 zu IEC 60794-1-1: Anhang D.)

WITHDRAWN published on 1.3.1999

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German -
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18.70 USD

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E DIN ISO 8769:2013-11 WITHDRAWN

VDE 0493-2-7690. Reference sources - Calibration of surface contamination monitors - Alpha-, beta- and photon emitters.
(VDE 0493-2-7690. Kalibrierstrahler - Kalibrierung von Oberflächenkontaminationsmonitoren - Alpha-, Beta- und Photonenquellen.)

WITHDRAWN published on 1.11.2013

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DIN ISO 8769:2016-08 WITHDRAWN

VDE 0412-8769. Reference sources - Calibration of surface contamination monitors - Alpha-, beta- and photon emitters.
(VDE 0412-8769. Referenzstrahler - Kalibrierung von Oberflächenkontaminationsmonitoren - Alpha-, Beta- und Photonenquellen.)

WITHDRAWN published on 1.8.2016

Selected format:
German -
Print design (66.30 USD)

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66.30 USD

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