VDI - German standards - Page 3

Standards VDI - German standards - Page 3

The Association of German Engineers (VDI) with almost 150,000 members, of whom more than a third are students and engineers younger than 33 years of age, is one of the biggest technical- scientific associations in Europe. VDI has extended its activities successfully both nationally and internationally over the years and it has been making great efforts to spread knowledge in the areas related to technologies. As a financially independent, politically unclassified and non-profit organization, it is respected by engineers as well as by professionals and the general public.

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VDI 2038Blatt3

Serviceability of structures under dynamic loads - Methods of analysis and evaluation in structural dynamics - Secondary airborne sound - prognosis, measurement, evaluation and reduction measures.
(Gebrauchstauglichkeit von Bauwerken bei dynamischen Einwirkungen - Untersuchungsmethoden und Beurteilungsverfahren der Baudynamik - Sekundärer Luftschall - Grundlagen, Prognose, Messung, Beurteilung und Minderung.)

Standard published on 1.11.2013

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170.90 USD

VDI 2039

Torsional vibration of drivelines - Calculation, measurement, reduction.
(Drehschwingungen im Antriebsstrang - Berechnung, Messung, Reduzierung.)

Standard published on 1.6.2016

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287.20 USD

VDI 2039/Ber Correction

Torsional vibration of drivelines - Calculation, measurement, reduction - Corr. concerning standard VDI 2039:2016-06.
(Drehschwingungen im Antriebsstrang - Berechnung, Messung, Reduzierung - Berichtigung zur Richtlinie VDI 2039:2016-06.)

Correction published on 1.8.2016

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1.40 USD

VDI 2044

Acceptance and performance tests on fans (VDI Code of Practice for Fans).
(Abnahme- und Leistungstests an Ventilatoren (VDI-Ventilatorregeln).)

Standard published on 1.11.2018

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237.50 USD

VDI 2045Blatt1

Acceptance and performance tests on turbo compressors and displacement compressors; test procedure and comparison with guaranteed values.
(Abnahme- und Leistungsversuche an Verdichtern (VDI-Verdichterregeln); Versuchsdurchführung und Garantievergleich.)

Standard published on 1.8.1993

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226.10 USD

VDI 2045Blatt2

Acceptance and performance tests on turbo compressors and displacement compressors; theory and examples.
(Abnahme- und Leistungsversuche an Verdichtern (VDI-Verdichterregeln); Grundlagen und Beispiele.)

Standard published on 1.8.1993

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226.10 USD

VDI 2047Blatt1

Heat rejection systems - Definitions concerning evaporative and dry coolers and single-pass cooling systems.
(Rückkühlwerke - Begriffe zu Verdunstungs- und Trockenkühlanlagen und Durchlaufkühlsystemen.)

Standard published on 1.1.2021

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279.50 USD

VDI 2047Blatt2

Open recooler systems - Securing hygienically sound operation of evaporative cooling systems (VDI Cooling Tower Code of Practice).
(Rückkühlwerke - Sicherstellung des hygienegerechten Betriebs von Verdunstungskühlanlagen (VDI-Kühlturmregeln).)

Standard published on 1.1.2019

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195.40 USD

VDI 2047Blatt3

Open recooler systems - Securing hygienically sound operation of evaporative cooling systems - Cooling towers with a cooling power greater than 200 MW (VDI Cooling Tower Code of Practice).
(Rückkühlwerke - Sicherstellung des hygienegerechten Betriebs von Verdunstungskühlanlagen - Kühltürme über 200 MW Kühlleistung (VDI-Kühlturmregeln).)

Standard published on 1.4.2018

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135.70 USD

VDI-MT 2047Blatt4

Open recooler systems - Securing hygienically sound operation of evaporative cooling systems (VDI Cooling Tower Code of Practice) - Qualifiation of personnel for works on evaporative cooling systems.
(Rückkühlwerke - Sicherstellung des hygienegerechten Betriebs von Verdunstungskühlanlagen (VDI-Kühlturmregeln) -Qualifikation von Personal zum Betreiben von Verdunstungskühlanlagen.)

Standard published on 1.1.2019

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55.00 USD


Entries shown from 20 to 30 out of a total of 4835 entries.

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