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The Association of German Engineers (VDI) with almost 150,000 members, of whom more than a third are students and engineers younger than 33 years of age, is one of the biggest technical- scientific associations in Europe. VDI has extended its activities successfully both nationally and internationally over the years and it has been making great efforts to spread knowledge in the areas related to technologies. As a financially independent, politically unclassified and non-profit organization, it is respected by engineers as well as by professionals and the general public.
Handling of pallets with industrial trucks.
(Handhabung von Paletten mit Flurförderzeugen.)
Standard published on 1.4.2009
Selected format:
Industrial design - User-centered design in the product development process.
(Industriedesign - Nutzerzentrierte Gestaltung im Produktentwicklungsprozess.)
Standard published on 1.2.2023
Selected format:
Catalogues in maintenance and management of medical devices - Fundamentals.
(Kataloge in der Instandhaltung und Bewirtschaftung der Medizintechnik - Grundlagen.)
Standard published on 1.6.2019
Selected format:
Emission control - Mineral oil refineries.
(Emissionsminderung - Mineralölraffinerien.)
Standard published on 1.6.2021
Selected format:
Process gas and waste gas cleaning by cold plasma - Barrier discharge, corona discharge, UV radiation.
(Prozessgas- und Abgasreinigung durch Kaltplasmaverfahren - Barriere-, Koronaentladung, UV-Strahlung.)
Standard published on 1.5.2016
Selected format:
Waste gas cleaning - Methods of thermal waste gas cleaning.
(Abgasreinigung - Verfahren und Technik der thermischen Abgasreinigung.)
Standard published on 1.2.2014
Selected format:
Ambient air - Measurement of levoglucosan - Chromatographic method.
(Außenluft - Messen von Levoglucosan - Chromatografisches Verfahren.)
Standard published on 1.3.2020
Selected format:
Emission control - Vinyl chloride - Production of dichloroethane (EDC), vinyl chloride (VC) and polyvinyl chloride (PVC).
(Emissionsminderung - Vinylchlorid - Herstellung von Dichlorethan (EDC), Vinylchlorid (VC) und Polyvinylchlorid (PVC).)
Standard published on 1.6.2008
Selected format:
Statistical evaluation of random-sample measurements of stationary source emissions: Determination of the upper confidence limit.
(Statistische Auswertung von stichprobenartigen Emissionsmessungen an geführten Quellen: Ermittlung der oberen Vertrauensgrenze.)
Standard published on 1.7.1997
Selected format:
Measurement methods test criteria - Determination of performance characteristics for the measurement of gaseous pollutants (immission).
(Prüfkriterien von Meßverfahren - Ermittlung von Verfahrenskenngrößen für die Messung gasförmiger Schadstoffe (Immission).)
Standard published on 1.2.1995
Selected format:Latest update: 2025-03-27 (Number of items: 2 197 923)
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