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The Association of German Engineers (VDI) with almost 150,000 members, of whom more than a third are students and engineers younger than 33 years of age, is one of the biggest technical- scientific associations in Europe. VDI has extended its activities successfully both nationally and internationally over the years and it has been making great efforts to spread knowledge in the areas related to technologies. As a financially independent, politically unclassified and non-profit organization, it is respected by engineers as well as by professionals and the general public.
Lifting inserts and lifting systems for precast concrete elements - Principles, design, applications - Production and placing on the market.
(Transportanker und Transportankersysteme für Betonfertigteile - Grundlagen, Bemessung, Anwendungen - Herstellen und Inverkehrbringen.)
WITHDRAWN published on 1.4.2012
Selected format:
Lifting inserts and lifting systems for precast concrete elements - Principles, design, applications - Design and application.
(Transportanker und Transportankersysteme für Betonfertigteile - Grundlagen, Bemessung, Anwendungen - Planung und Anwendung.)
WITHDRAWN published on 1.4.2012
Selected format:
Biomimetics - Conception and strategy - Differences between biomimetic and conventional methods/products.
(Bionik - Konzeption und Strategie - Abgrenzung zwischen bionischen und konventionellen Verfahren/Produkten.)
WITHDRAWN published on 1.12.2012
Selected format:
Biomimetic optimization - Application of biological growth laws for the structure-mechanical optimization of technical components.
(Bionische Optimierung - Anwendung biologischer Wachstumsgesetze zur strukturmechanischen Optimierung technischer Bauteile.)
WITHDRAWN published on 1.8.2012
Selected format:
Communication and public participation in planning and building of infrastructure projects - Standards for work stages of engineers.
(Kommunikation und Öffentlichkeitsbeteiligung bei Planung und Bau von Infrastrukturprojekten - Standards für die Leistungsphasen der Ingenieure.)
WITHDRAWN published on 1.3.2014
Selected format:Latest update: 2025-03-13 (Number of items: 2 232 199)
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