IEC - International electro-technical commission - Page 1028

Standards IEC - International electro-technical commission - Page 1028

IEC – The company IEC is world-leading organization, which creates and issues International standards for all electrical, electronic and other related technologies known generally as electro-technologies. Wherever, there is electricity and electronics you can find the company IEC, which promotes the safety and performance, the environment, electrical energy efficiency and renewable energy. The company IEC also administers conformity assessment systems, which certify that the equipment, systems or components comply with International Standards of this company.

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IEC 62995-ed.1.0

Railway applications - Rolling stock - Rules for installation of cabling
(Applications ferroviaires - Materiel roulant - Regles d´installation du cablage)

Standard published on 14.5.2018

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480.30 USD

IEC/TS 62996-ed.1.0

Industrial electroheating and electromagnetic processing equipment - Requirements on touch currents, voltages and electric fields from 1 kHz to 6 MHz

Standard published on 15.9.2017

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368.40 USD

IEC/TS 62997-ed.1.0

Industrial electroheating and electromagnetic processing equipment - Evaluation of hazards caused by magnetic nearfields from 1 Hz to 6 MHz

Standard published on 15.6.2017

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480.30 USD

IEC/TS 62998-1-ed.1.0

Safety of machinery - Safety-related sensors used for the protection of persons

Standard published on 2.5.2019

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506.60 USD

IEC/TR 62998-2-ed.1.0

Safety of machinery - Part 2: Examples of application

Standard published on 14.4.2020

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329.00 USD

IEC/TS 62998-3-ed.1.0

Safety of machinery - Safety-related sensors used for the protection of persons - Part 3: Sensor technologies and algorithms

Standard published on 25.8.2023

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421.10 USD

IEC 62999-ed.1.0

Electric room heating - Underfloor heating - Performance characteristics - Definitions, method of testing, sizing and formula symbols
(Chauffage electrique de locaux - Chauffage par le sol - Caracteristiques de performance - Definitions, methode d´essai, calibrage et symboles de formule)

Standard published on 23.2.2016

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480.30 USD

IEC 62999-ed.1.0/Amd.1 Change

Amendment 1 - Electric room heating - Underfloor heating - Performance characteristics - Definitions, method of testing, sizing and formula symbols
(Amendement 1 - Chauffage electrique de locaux, chauffage par le sol, caracteristiques de performance - Definitions, methode d’essai, calibrage et symboles de formule)

Change published on 1.10.2021

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105.30 USD

IEC 62999-ed.1.1+Amd.1-CSV

Electric room heating - Underfloor heating - Performance characteristics - Definitions, method of testing, sizing and formula symbols
(Chauffage electrique de locaux, chauffage par le sol, caracteristiques de performance - Definitions, methode d’essai, calibrage et symboles de formule)

Standard published on 1.10.2021

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1 000.10 USD

IEC 63000-ed.1.0

Technical documentation for the assessment of electrical and electronic products with respect to the restriction of hazardous substances
(Documentation technique pour l´evaluation des produits electriques et electroniques par rapport a la restriction des substances dangereuses)

Standard published on 4.10.2016

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52.60 USD


Entries shown from 10270 to 10280 out of a total of 10936 entries.

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