IEC - International electro-technical commission - Page 1048

Standards IEC - International electro-technical commission - Page 1048

IEC – The company IEC is world-leading organization, which creates and issues International standards for all electrical, electronic and other related technologies known generally as electro-technologies. Wherever, there is electricity and electronics you can find the company IEC, which promotes the safety and performance, the environment, electrical energy efficiency and renewable energy. The company IEC also administers conformity assessment systems, which certify that the equipment, systems or components comply with International Standards of this company.

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IEC 63118-1-ed.1.0

12 V lithium-ion secondary batteries for automotive starting, lighting, ignition (SLI) applications and auxiliary purposes – Part 1: General requirements and methods of test
(Accumulateur ion-lithium 12 V pour les applications de demarrage, d´eclairage, d´allumage (SLI) et les utilisations auxiliaires des vehicules automobiles – Partie 1 – Exigences et methodes d’essai generales)

Standard published on 21.2.2024

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105.20 USD

IEC 63119-1-ed.1.0

Information exchange for electric vehicle charging roaming service - Part 1: General
(Echange d´informations pour le service d´itinerance de la recharge des vehicules electriques - Partie 1: Generalites)

Standard published on 26.6.2019

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105.20 USD

IEC 63119-2-ed.1.0

Information exchange for electric vehicle charging roaming service - Part 2: Use cases
(Echange d´informations pour le service d´itinerance de la recharge des vehicules electriques - Partie 2: Cas d´utilisation)

Standard published on 18.10.2022

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420.90 USD

IEC 63121-ed.1.0

Radiation protection instrumentation - Vehicle-mounted mobile systems for the detection of illicit trafficking of radioactive materials
(Instrumentation pour la radioprotection - Systemes mobiles montes sur vehicules pour la detection du trafic illicite des matieres radioactives)

Standard published on 20.1.2020

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328.90 USD

IEC/TR 63122-1-ed.1.0

Smart television - Part 1: Conceptual model for smart television

Standard published on 11.12.2019

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263.10 USD

IEC/TR 63122-2-ed.1.0

Smart television - Part 2: Framework of integrated service on smart television

Standard published on 11.12.2019

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368.30 USD

IEC/TR 63123-ed.1.0

Nuclear power plants - Instrumentation, control and electrical power systems - Guidance for the application of IEC 63147:2017/IEEE Std 497™ -2016 in the IAEA / IEC framework

Standard published on 14.12.2017

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105.20 USD

IEC/TS 63126-ed.1.0

Guidelines for qualifying PV modules, components and materials for operation at high temperatures

Standard published on 22.6.2020

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151.30 USD

IEC/TS 63126-ed.1.0/Cor.1 Correction

Corrigendum 1 - Guidelines for qualifying PV modules, components and materials for operation at high temperatures

Correction published on 12.9.2022

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1.30 USD

IEC/TR 63127-ed.1.0

Guideline for the system design of HVDC converter stations with line-commutated converters

Standard published on 26.6.2019

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480.10 USD


Entries shown from 10470 to 10480 out of a total of 10936 entries.

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