IEC - International electro-technical commission - Page 1067

Standards IEC - International electro-technical commission - Page 1067

IEC – The company IEC is world-leading organization, which creates and issues International standards for all electrical, electronic and other related technologies known generally as electro-technologies. Wherever, there is electricity and electronics you can find the company IEC, which promotes the safety and performance, the environment, electrical energy efficiency and renewable energy. The company IEC also administers conformity assessment systems, which certify that the equipment, systems or components comply with International Standards of this company.

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IEC/IEEE 63198-2775-ed.1.0

Technical guidelines for smart hydroelectric power plant
(Lignes directrices techniques d´une centrale hydroelectrique intelligente)

Standard published on 17.2.2023

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496.70 USD

IEC/SRD 63199-ed.1.0

Top priority standards development status in the domain of smart energy

Standard published on 22.7.2020

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340.20 USD

IEC/SRD 63200-ed.1.0

Definition of extended SGAM smart energy grid reference architecture model

Standard published on 24.8.2021

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496.70 USD

IEC/TR 63201-ed.1.0

Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Guidance for the development of embedded software

Standard published on 24.5.2019

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272.20 USD

IEC 63202-1-ed.1.0

Photovoltaic cells - Part 1: Measurement of light-induced degradation of crystalline silicon photovoltaic cells
(Cellules photovoltaiques - Partie 1: Mesure de la degradation induite par la lumiere des cellules photovoltaiques au silicium cristallin)

Standard published on 20.6.2019

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54.40 USD

IEC/TS 63202-2-ed.1.0

Photovoltaic cells - Part 2: Electroluminescence imaging of crystalline silicon solar cells

Standard published on 16.12.2021

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156.50 USD

IEC/TS 63202-3-ed.1.0

Photovoltaic cells - Part 3: Measurement of current-voltage characteristics of bifacial photovoltaic cells

Standard published on 7.2.2023

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156.50 USD

IEC/TS 63202-4-ed.1.0

Photovoltaic cells - Part 4: Measurement of light and elevated temperature induced degradation of crystalline silicon photovoltaic cells

Standard published on 28.6.2022

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54.40 USD

IEC 63203-101-1-ed.1.0

Wearable electronic devices and technologies - Part 101-1: Terminology
(Technologies et dispositifs electroniques prets-a-porter - Partie 101-1: Terminologie)

Standard published on 29.6.2021

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54.40 USD

IEC 63203-201-1-ed.1.0

Wearable electronic devices and technologies - Part 201-1: Electronic textile - Measurement methods for basic properties of conductive yarns
(Technologies et dispositifs electroniques prets-a-porter - Partie 201-1: Textile electronique - Methodes de mesure des proprietes fondamentales des fils conducteurs)

Standard published on 26.4.2022

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108.90 USD


Entries shown from 10660 to 10670 out of a total of 11046 entries.

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