IEC - International electro-technical commission - Page 1073

Standards IEC - International electro-technical commission - Page 1073

IEC – The company IEC is world-leading organization, which creates and issues International standards for all electrical, electronic and other related technologies known generally as electro-technologies. Wherever, there is electricity and electronics you can find the company IEC, which promotes the safety and performance, the environment, electrical energy efficiency and renewable energy. The company IEC also administers conformity assessment systems, which certify that the equipment, systems or components comply with International Standards of this company.

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IEC/SRD 63301-1-ed.1.0

Smart city use case collection and analysis – Water systems in smart cities – Part 1: High-level analysis

Standard published on 12.12.2024

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367.90 USD

IEC 63303-ed.1.0

Human machine interfaces for process automation systems
(Interfaces homme-machine pour les systemes d’automatisation des processus)

Standard published on 6.8.2024

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479.50 USD

IEC/TR 63304-ed.1.0

Methods of measurement of the magnetic properties of permanent magnet (magnetically hard) materials in an open magnetic circuit using a superconducting magnet

Standard published on 26.4.2021

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367.90 USD

IEC 63305-ed.1.0

Underwater acoustics - Calibration of acoustic wave vector receivers in the frequency range 5 Hz to 10 kHz
(Acoustique sous-marine - Etalonnage des recepteurs vectoriels d’ondes acoustiques dans la plage de frequences de 5 Hz a 10 kHz)

Standard published on 27.2.2024

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479.50 USD

IEC/TR 63307-ed.1.0

Measurement methods of the complex relative permeability and permittivity of noise suppression sheet

Standard published on 27.11.2020

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479.50 USD

IEC/TR 63308-ed.1.0

Virtual reality equipment and systems - Market, technology and standards requirements

Standard published on 9.7.2021

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151.10 USD

IEC/PAS 63312-ed.1.0

Technical specification for flame detector system of boiler

Standard published on 14.1.2021

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367.90 USD

IEC/PAS 63313-ed.1.0

Position statement on germicidal UV-C irradiation - UV-C safety guidelines

Standard published on 27.5.2021

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105.10 USD

IEC/SRD 63314-ed.1.0

Active assisted living (AAL) guidance for education and training of persons working in the field of AAL

Standard published on 3.9.2024

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151.10 USD

IEC 63318-ed.1.0

Specifications for SELV DC systems conforming to the ESMAP multi-tier framework tier 2 and tier 3 requirements for household electricity supply
(Specifications applicables aux schemas TBTS en courant continu conformes aux exigences de niveau 2 et de niveau 3 du cadre multiniveaux de l´ESMAP pour l´alimentation en electricite domestique)

Standard published on 17.6.2022

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105.10 USD


Entries shown from 10720 to 10730 out of a total of 10934 entries.

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