IEC - International electro-technical commission - Page 1090

Standards IEC - International electro-technical commission - Page 1090

IEC – The company IEC is world-leading organization, which creates and issues International standards for all electrical, electronic and other related technologies known generally as electro-technologies. Wherever, there is electricity and electronics you can find the company IEC, which promotes the safety and performance, the environment, electrical energy efficiency and renewable energy. The company IEC also administers conformity assessment systems, which certify that the equipment, systems or components comply with International Standards of this company.

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IEC/SRD 63460-ed.1.0

Architecture and use-cases for EVs to provide grid support functions

Standard published on 30.1.2025

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495.90 USD

IEC 63461-ed.1.0

Pelton hydraulic turbines - Model acceptance tests
(Turbines Pelton - Essais de reception sur modele)

Standard published on 28.6.2024

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611.40 USD

IEC/TR 63463-ed.1.0

Life extension guidelines for HVDC converter stations

Standard published on 9.1.2024

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523.10 USD

IEC/TR 63468-ed.1.0

Nuclear facilities - Instrumentation and control, and electrical power systems - Artificial Intelligence applications

Standard published on 11.5.2023

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380.40 USD

IEC/TS 63471-ed.1.0

DC voltages for HVDC grids

Standard published on 14.12.2023

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27.20 USD

IEC/PAS 63472-ed.1.0

Plugs, socket-outlets, vehicle connectors and vehicle inlets - Conductive charging of electric vehicles - Dimensional compatibility description for configuration FF AC/DC contact-tube vehicle coupler

Standard published on 4.5.2023

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108.70 USD

IEC/SRD 63473-ed.1.0

Active assisted living (AAL) use case standards inventory and mapping

Standard published on 17.4.2024

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210.60 USD

IEC 63474-ed.1.0

Electrical and electronic household and office equipment - Measurement of networked standby power consumption of edge equipment
(Appareils electriques et electroniques pour application domestique et equipement de bureau - Mesurage de la consommation d´energie en veille avec maintien de la connexion au reseau des equipements de peripherie)

Standard published on 23.5.2023

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210.60 USD

IEC/TR 63475-ed.1.0

Overview of Universal Archival Disk Format (UADF)

Standard published on 27.11.2023

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108.70 USD

IEC/SRD 63476-1-ed.1.0

Smart city system ontology - Part 1: Gap analysis

Standard published on 12.7.2024

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495.90 USD


Entries shown from 10890 to 10900 out of a total of 11032 entries.

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