IEC - International electro-technical commission - Page 999

Standards IEC - International electro-technical commission - Page 999

IEC – The company IEC is world-leading organization, which creates and issues International standards for all electrical, electronic and other related technologies known generally as electro-technologies. Wherever, there is electricity and electronics you can find the company IEC, which promotes the safety and performance, the environment, electrical energy efficiency and renewable energy. The company IEC also administers conformity assessment systems, which certify that the equipment, systems or components comply with International Standards of this company.

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IEC/TS 62878-2-1-ed.1.0

Device embedded substrate - Part 2-1: Guidelines - General description of technology
(Substrat avec appareil(s) integre(s) - Partie 2-1: Directives - Description generale de la technologie)

Standard published on 30.3.2015

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265.30 USD

IEC/TS 62878-2-10-ed.1.0

Device embedding assembly technology - Part 2-10: Design specification for cavity substrate

Standard published on 31.1.2024

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53.10 USD

IEC/TR 62878-2-2-ed.1.0

Device embedded substrate - Part 2-2: Guidelines - Electrical testing
(Substrat avec appareil(s) integre(s) - Partie 2-2: Directives - Essai electrique)

Standard published on 4.12.2015

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106.10 USD

IEC/TS 62878-2-3-ed.1.0

Device embedded substrate - Part 2-3: Guidelines - Design guide
(Substrat avec appareil(s) integre(s) - Partie 2-3: Directives - Guide de conception)

Standard published on 27.3.2015

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205.60 USD

IEC/TS 62878-2-4-ed.1.0

Device embedded substrate - Part 2-4: Guidelines - Test element groups (TEG)
(Substrat avec appareil(s) integre(s) - Partie 2-4: Directives - Groupes d´elements d´essai (TEG))

Standard published on 27.3.2015

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331.60 USD

IEC 62878-2-5-ed.1.0

Device embedding assembly technology - Part 2-5: Guidelines - Implementation of a 3D data format for device embedded substrate
(Technologie d’ensemble avec appareil(s) integre(s) - Partie 2-5 : Lignes directrices - Mise en ouvre d’un format de donnees 3D pour un substrat avec appareil(s) integre(s))

Standard published on 16.9.2019

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424.50 USD

IEC 62878-2-602-ed.1.0

Device embedding assembly technology - Part 2-602: Guideline for stacked electronic module - Evaluation method of inter-module electrical connectivity
(Techniques d’assemblage avec appareil(s) integre(s) - Partie 2-602: Lignes directrices pour un empilement de modules electroniques - Methode d’evaluation de la connectivite electrique entre modules)

Standard published on 22.6.2021

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106.10 USD

IEC/TR 62878-2-7-ed.1.0

Device embedding assembly technology - Part 2-7: Guidelines - Accelerated stress testing of passive embedded circuit boards

Standard published on 20.3.2019

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106.10 USD

IEC/TR 62878-2-8-ed.1.0

Device embedding assembly technology - Part 2-8: Guidelines - Warpage control of active device embedded substrate

Standard published on 7.7.2021

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106.10 USD

IEC/TR 62878-2-9-ed.1.0

Device embedding assembly technology - Part 2-9: Guidelines - Concept of JISSO level in the electronic assembly technology industries

Standard published on 27.4.2022

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106.10 USD


Entries shown from 9980 to 9990 out of a total of 10936 entries.

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