IEEE -  Advanced technology for mankind - Page 2

Standards IEEE - Advanced technology for mankind - Page 2

IEEE association, which promotes the innovations and advanced technologies on behalf of mankind, is the biggest technical professional company. Its purpose is to serve the specialists who work in all branches of electrical engineering, electronics, computer technology and related fields of science and technology, which are parts of modern civilization. IEEE´s roots date back to 1884, when electricity began to influence society significantly. At that time there was one major established electrical branch, the telegraph, thanks to that in the 40s in the 19th century the world was linked through the data communication system faster than transport. Telephone industry, energy industry and light industry just began to be developed.

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IEEE 1020-2023

IEEE Guide for Control of Small (100 kVA to 5 MVA) Hydroelectric Power Plants

Standard published on 31.8.2023

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76.00 USD

IEEE 1023-2020

IEEE Recommended Practice for the Application of Human Factors Engineering to Systems, Equipment, and Facilities of Nuclear Power Generating Stations and Other Nuclear Facilities

Standard published on 24.2.2021

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66.00 USD

IEEE 1031-2011

IEEE Guide for the Functional Specification of Transmission Static Var Compensators

Standard published on 17.6.2011

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174.00 USD

IEEE 1036-2020

IEEE Guide for the Application of Shunt Power Capacitors

Standard published on 5.3.2021

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107.00 USD

IEEE 1048-2016

IEEE Guide for Protective Grounding of Power Lines

Standard published on 21.12.2016

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82.00 USD

IEEE 1048a-2021 Change

IEEE Guide for Protective Grounding of Power Lines - Amendment 1

Change published on 5.3.2021

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59.00 USD

IEEE 1048b-2024 Change

IEEE Guide for Protective Grounding of Power Lines Amendment b: Differentiating the Fabric Carrier Mat and the Rigid Carrier Mat

Change published on 13.12.2024

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58.00 USD

IEEE 1052-2018

IEEE Guide for Specification of Transmission Static Synchronous Compensator (STATCOM) Systems

Standard published on 19.4.2019

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160.00 USD

IEEE 1057-2017

IEEE Standard for Digitizing Waveform Recorders

Standard published on 26.1.2018

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159.00 USD

IEEE 1068-2015

IEEE Standard for the Repair and Rewinding of AC Electric Motors in the Petroleum, Chemical, and Process Industries

Standard published on 15.1.2016

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104.00 USD


Entries shown from 10 to 20 out of a total of 4808 entries.

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