ISO - International Organization for Standardization - Page 2533

Standards ISO - International Organization for Standardization - Page 2533

ISO (International Organization for Standardization) is the world’s largest producer of optional international standards. International standards determine current specifications of products, services and certified methods, helping to streamline the industry. As they are created on the basis of international agreement, they assist in overcoming barriers in international trade.

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ISO 9849:2017-ed.3.0

Optics and optical instruments — Geodetic and surveying instruments — Vocabulary
(Optique et intruments d´optique — Instruments géodésiques et d´observation — Vocabulaire)

Standard published on 31.7.2017

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173.10 USD

ISO 9851:1990

Continuous mechanical handling equipment — Overhead electrical monorail conveyors — Definitions and safety rules
(Engins de manutention continue — Monorails a chariots électrifiés — Définitions et regles de sécurité)

Standard published on 13.12.1990

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56.30 USD

ISO 9852:2007-ed.2.0

Unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U) pipes — Dichloromethane resistance at specified temperature (DCMT) — Test method
(Tubes en poly(chlorure de vinyle) non plastifié (PVC-U) — Résistance au dichlorométhane a une température spécifiée (DCMT) — Méthode d´essai)

Standard published on 4.5.2007

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56.30 USD

ISO 9853:1991

Injection-moulded unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U) fittings for pressure pipe systems — Crushing test
(Raccords moulés en poly(chlorure de vinyle) non plastifié (PVC-U) pour canalisations avec pression — Essai a l´écrasement)

Standard published on 20.6.1991

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56.30 USD

ISO 9854-1:2023-ed.2.0

Thermoplastics pipes for the transport of fluids — Determination of Charpy impact properties — Part 1: General test method
(Tubes thermoplastiques pour le transport des fluides — Détermination des caractéristiques au choc Charpy — Partie 1: Méthode générale d´essai)

Standard published on 28.6.2023

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84.50 USD

ISO 9854-2:2023-ed.2.0

Thermoplastics pipes for the transport of fluids — Determination of Charpy impact properties — Part 2: Test conditions for pipes of various materials
(Tubes thermoplastiques pour le transport des fluides — Détermination des caractéristiques au choc Charpy — Partie 2: Conditions d´essai pour différentes matieres constitutives de tubes)

Standard published on 5.9.2023

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56.30 USD

ISO 9855:1993

Ambient air — Determination of the particulate lead content of aerosols collected on filters — Atomic absorption spectrometric method
(Air ambiant — Dosage du plomb dans les particules d´aérosol collectées sur des filtres — Méthode par spectrométrie d´absorption atomique)

Standard published on 14.10.1993

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84.50 USD

ISO 9856:2016-ed.3.0

Conveyor belts — Determination of elastic and permanent elongation and calculation of elastic modulus
(Courroies transporteuses — Détermination de l´allongement élastique et rémanent et calcul du module d´élasticité)

Standard published on 7.10.2016

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56.30 USD

ISO 9862:2023-ed.3.0

Geosynthetics — Sampling and preparation of test specimens
(Géosynthétiques — Échantillonnage et préparation des éprouvettes)

Standard published on 17.11.2023

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56.30 USD

ISO 9863-1:2016-ed.2.0

Geosynthetics — Determination of thickness at specified pressures — Part 1: Single layers
(Géosynthétiques — Détermination de l´épaisseur a des pressions spécifiées — Partie 1: Couches individuelles)

Standard published on 15.7.2016

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56.30 USD


Entries shown from 25320 to 25330 out of a total of 25491 entries.

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