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ISO (International Organization for Standardization) is the world’s largest producer of optional international standards. International standards determine current specifications of products, services and certified methods, helping to streamline the industry. As they are created on the basis of international agreement, they assist in overcoming barriers in international trade.
Hydrometry — Field measurement of discharge in large rivers and rivers in flood
(Hydrométrie — Mesurage in situ du débit des grandes rivieres et des débits de crue)
Standard published on 2.6.2005
Selected format:
Measurement of liquid flow in open channels — Parshall and SANIIRI flumes
(Mesure de débit des liquides dans les canaux découverts — Canaux jaugeurs Parshall et SANIIRI)
Standard published on 17.9.1992
Selected format:
Measurement of liquid flow in open channels by weirs and flumes — Streamlined triangular profile weirs
(Mesure de débit des liquides dans les canaux découverts au moyen de déversoirs et de canaux jaugeurs — Déversoirs carénés a seuil a profil triangulaire)
Standard published on 16.6.1994
Selected format:
Animal feeding stuffs, animal products, and faeces or urine — Determination of gross calorific value — Bomb calorimeter method
(Aliments des animaux, produits d´origine animale et excréments ou urines — Détermination de la valeur calorifique brute — Méthode a la bombe calorimétrique)
Standard published on 13.8.1998
Selected format:
Animal and vegetable fats and oils — Determination of residual technical hexane content
(Corps gras d´origines animale et végétale — Dosage de l´hexane technique résiduel)
Standard published on 7.3.2002
Selected format:
Melons — Cold storage and refrigerated transport
(Melons — Entreposage et transport réfrigérés)
Standard published on 2.12.1993
Selected format:Information technology - Procedures for the operation of object identifier registration authorities - Part 1: General procedures and top arcs of the international object identifier tree
Standard published on 11.5.2012
Selected format:Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Procedures for the operation of OSI Registration Authorities - Part 2: Registration procedures for OSI document types
Standard published on 4.11.1993
Selected format:Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Procedures for the operation of OSI Registration Authorities - Part 3: Registration of Object Identifier arcs beneath the top-level arc jointly administered by ISO and ITU-T
Standard published on 15.12.2008
Selected format:Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection - Procedures for the operation of OSI Registration Authorities - Part 4: Register of VTE Profiles
Standard published on 19.12.1991
Selected format:Latest update: 2025-03-13 (Number of items: 2 232 199)
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