ISO - International Organization for Standardization - Page 2556

Standards ISO - International Organization for Standardization - Page 2556

ISO (International Organization for Standardization) is the world’s largest producer of optional international standards. International standards determine current specifications of products, services and certified methods, helping to streamline the industry. As they are created on the basis of international agreement, they assist in overcoming barriers in international trade.

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ISO 9964-2:1993

Water quality — Determination of sodium and potassium — Part 2: Determination of potassium by atomic absorption spectrometry
(Qualité de l´eau — Dosage du sodium et du potassium — Partie 2: Dosage du potassium par spectrométrie d´absorption atomique)

Standard published on 28.4.1993

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58.30 USD

ISO 9964-3:1993

Water quality — Determination of sodium and potassium — Part 3: Determination of sodium and potassium by flame emission spectrometry
(Qualité de l´eau — Dosage du sodium et du potassium — Partie 3: Dosage du sodium et du potassium par spectrométrie d´émission de flamme)

Standard published on 28.4.1993

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58.30 USD

ISO 9967:2016-ed.3.0

Thermoplastics pipes — Determination of creep ratio
(Tubes en matieres thermoplastiques — Détermination du taux de fluage)

Standard published on 4.1.2016

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88.20 USD

ISO/TR 9968:2023

Road vehicles — Functional safety — Application to generic rechargeable energy storage systems for new energy vehicle
(Véhicules routiers — Sécurité fonctionnelle — Application des systemes génériques rechargeables de stockage d´énergie aux véhicules utilisant les énergies nouvelles)

Standard published on 15.6.2023

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179.10 USD

ISO 9969:2016-ed.3.0

Thermoplastics pipes — Determination of ring stiffness
(Tubes en matieres thermoplastiques — Détermination de la rigidité annulaire)

Standard published on 4.1.2016

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88.20 USD

ISO 9972:2015-ed.3.0

Thermal performance of buildings — Determination of air permeability of buildings — Fan pressurization method
(Performance thermique des bâtiments — Détermination de la perméabilité a l´air des bâtiments — Méthode de pressurisation par ventilateur)

Standard published on 10.8.2015

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179.10 USD

ISO/IEC 9973-ed.3.0

Information technology - Computer graphics, image processing and environmental data representation - Procedures for registration of items

Standard published on 22.7.2013

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210.30 USD

ISO 9974-1:1996

Connections for general use and fluid power — Ports and stud ends with ISO 261 threads with elastomeric or metal-to-metal sealing — Part 1: Threaded ports
(Raccordements pour applications générales et transmissions hydrauliques et pneumatiques — Orifices et éléments mâles a filetage ISO 261 et joint en élastomere ou étanchéité métal sur métal — Partie 1: Orifices filetés)

Standard published on 18.4.1996

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58.30 USD

ISO 9974-2:1996

Connections for general use and fluid power — Ports and stud ends with ISO 261 threads with elastomeric or metal-to-metal sealing — Part 2: Stud ends with elastomeric sealing (type E)
(Raccordements pour applications générales et transmissions hydrauliques et pneumatiques — Orifices et éléments mâles a filetage ISO 261 et joint en élastomere ou étanchéité métal sur métal — Partie 2: Éléments mâles avec joint en élastomere (type E))

Standard published on 18.4.1996

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88.20 USD

ISO 9974-3:1996

Connections for general use and fluid power — Ports and stud ends with ISO 261 threads with elastomeric or metal-to-metal sealing — Part 3: Stud ends with metal-to-metal sealing (type B)
(Raccordements pour applications générales et transmissions hydrauliques et pneumatiques — Orifices et éléments mâles a filetage ISO 261 et joint en élastomere ou étanchéité métal sur métal — Partie 3: Éléments mâles avec étanchéité métal sur métal (type B))

Standard published on 18.4.1996

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88.20 USD


Entries shown from 25550 to 25560 out of a total of 25588 entries.

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