UIC - International railway union - Page 2

Standards UIC - International railway union - Page 2

UIC – International railway union (in French "Union Internationale des Chemins de fer“, in English "International Union of Railways") is a global company, which coordinates the development and operation of railway transport in all member countries. It also solves the issues of creating new and maintaining current international connections, the unification of railway equipment. It supervises safety criteria such as interlocking plant and automatic brakes. It represents member companies at the international level.

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UIC 176-1ed.

Specifications for passenger information displayed electronically in trains

Standard published on 1.7.2001

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245.20 USD

IRS 20201-2ed.

Carriage of dangerous goods - Emergency planning guidance for rail marshalling yards

Standard published on 1.5.2024

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1 313.20 USD

IRS 20219-1ed.

DIUM - Uniform distance table for international freight traffic: List of railway stations - List of handover/delivery points used by the railways

Standard published on 1.8.2023

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English -
electronic design (pdf) (984.60 USD)

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984.60 USD

IRS 20221-1ed.

Harmonised Commodity Code (NHM)

Standard published on 1.8.2023

Selected format:
English -
electronic design (pdf) (721.90 USD)

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721.90 USD

IRS 20240-1ed.

Railway Undertakings´ Handbook for International Contingency Management

Standard published on 1.12.2020

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English -
electronic design (pdf) (1.10 USD)

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1.10 USD

UIC 290-3ed.

Combined transport - Definitions

Standard published on 1.12.2009

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94.60 USD

UIC 293-1ed.

Manual for establishing and managing quality in international combined transport

Standard published on 1.3.2002

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221.60 USD

IRS 30100-1ed.

RailTopoModel - Railway infrastructure topological model

Standard published on 1.9.2016

Selected format:
English -
electronic design (pdf) (1.10 USD)

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1.10 USD

IRS 30301-1ed.

Accountancy regulations for international passenger traffic

Standard published on 1.12.2019

Selected format:
English -
electronic design (pdf) (984.60 USD)

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984.60 USD

IRS 30304-1ed.

Accoutancy and allocation regulations between carriers applicable to international freight

Standard published on 1.5.2020

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984.60 USD


Entries shown from 10 to 20 out of a total of 2562 entries.

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