ASTM E230/E230M-23a

Standard Specification for Temperature-Electromotive Force (emf) Tables for Standardized Thermocouples (Includes all amendments and changes 1/4/2024).

STANDARD published on 1.11.2023

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The information about the standard:

Designation standards: ASTM E230/E230M-23a
Publication date standards: 1.11.2023
The number of pages: 172
Approximate weight : 547 g (1.21 lbs)
Country: American technical standard
Category: Technical standards ASTM

Annotation of standard text ASTM E230/E230M-23a :

This specification contains reference tables that give temperature-electromotive force (emf) relationships for types B, E, J, K, N, R, S, T, and C thermocouples. These are the thermocouple types most commonly used in industry. Thermocouples and matched thermocouple wire pairs are normally supplied to the tolerances on initial values of emf versus temperature. Color codes for insulation on thermocouple grade materials, along with corresponding thermocouple and thermoelement letter designations are given. Four types of tables are presented: general tables, EMF versus temperature tables for thermocouples, EMF versus temperature tables for thermoelements, and supplementary tables.

emf computation, compensating extension wire, inverse polynomial, polynomial coefficient, reference tables, thermocouple, thermocouple extension wire, thermoelement, upper temperature limit,, ICS Number Code 17.200.20 (Temperature-measuring instruments)