IEC 63210-ed.1.0

Shunt power capacitors of the self-healing type for AC systems having a rated voltage above 1 000 V

STANDARD published on 11.3.2021

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The information about the standard:

Designation standards: IEC 63210-ed.1.0
Publication date standards: 11.3.2021
The number of pages: 115
Approximate weight : 376 g (0.83 lbs)
Country: International technical standard
Category: Technical standards IEC

Annotation of standard text IEC 63210-ed.1.0 :

IEC 63210:2021 is applicable to both self-healing capacitor units and self-healing capacitor banks intended to be used, particularly, for power-factor correction of AC power systems having a rated voltage above 1 000 V and fundamental frequencies of 15 Hz to 60 Hz. The following capacitors are excluded from this document: - shunt power capacitors of the self-healing type for AC systems having a rated voltage up to and including 1 000 V (IEC 60831-1, -2); - shunt power capacitors of the non-self-healing type for AC systems having a rated voltage up to and including 1 000 V (IEC 60931-1, -2 and -3); - shunt capacitors of the non-self-healing type for AC power systems having a rated voltage above 1 000 V (IEC 60871-1, -2, -3 and -4); - capacitors for inductive heat-generating plants operating at frequencies between 40 Hz and 24 000 Hz (IEC 60110-1 and -2); - series capacitors (IEC 60143-1, -2, -3 and -4); - AC motor capacitors (IEC 60252-1 and -2); - coupling capacitors and capacitor dividers (IEC 60358-1, -2, -3, -4); - capacitors for power electronic circuits (IEC 61071); - small AC capacitors to be used for fluorescent and discharge lamps (IEC 61048 and IEC 61049); - capacitors for suppression of radio interference; - capacitors intended to be used in various types of electrical equipment, and thus considered as components; - capacitors intended for use with DC voltage superimposed on the AC voltage. Requirements for accessories such as insulators, switches, instrument transformers and external fuses are given in the relevant IEC standards and are not covered by the scope of this document. The object of this document is to: a) formulate uniform rules regarding performances, testing and rating; b) formulate specific safety rules; c) provide a guide for installation and operation. LIEC 63210:2021 sapplique tant aux condensateurs unitaires autoregenerateurs quaux batteries de condensateurs autoregenerateurs destines plus particulierement a la correction du facteur de puissance des reseaux a courant alternatif de tension assignee superieure a 1 000 V et de frequences fondamentales comprises entre 15 Hz et 60 Hz. Les condensateurs suivants sont exclus du present document: - condensateurs-shunt de puissance autoregenerateurs destines aux reseaux a courant alternatif de tension assignee inferieure ou egale a 1 000 V (IEC 60831-1, IEC 60831-2); - condensateurs-shunt de puissance non-autoregenerateurs destines aux reseaux a courant alternatif de tension assignee inferieure ou egale a 1 000 V (IEC 60931-1, IEC 60931-2 et IEC 60931-3); – condensateurs-shunt non-autoregenerateurs destines aux reseaux a courant alternatif de tension assignee superieure a 1 000 V (IEC 60871-1, IEC 60871-2, IEC 60871-3 et IEC 60871-4); - condensateurs pour les installations de generation de chaleur par induction fonctionnant a des frequences comprises entre 40 Hz et 24 000 Hz (IEC 60110-1 et IEC 60110-2); - condensateurs serie (IEC 60143-1, IEC 60143-2, IEC 60143-3 et IEC 60143-4); - condensateurs des moteurs a courant alternatif (IEC 60252-1 et IEC 60252-2); - condensateurs de couplage et diviseurs capacitifs (IEC 60358-1, IEC 60358-2, IEC 60358 3, IEC 60358-4); - condensateurs pour circuits electroniques de puissance (IEC 61071); - petits condensateurs a courant alternatif destines a etre utilises dans des lampes a fluorescence et des lampes a decharge (IEC 61048 et IEC 61049); - condensateurs pour la suppression des interferences radio; - condensateurs destines a etre utilises dans differents types de materiels electriques et etant donc consideres comme des composants; - condensateurs destines a etre utilises avec une tension continue superposee a une tension alternative. Les exigences relatives aux accessoires tels que les isolateurs, les commutateurs, les transformateurs de mesure et les fusibles externes sont specifiees dans les normes IEC correspondantes et ne relevent pas du domaine dapplication du present document. Le present document a pour objet: a) de formuler des regles uniformes en matiere de performances, dessais et de caracteristiques assignees; b) de formuler des regles de securite specifiques; c) de fournir un guide dinstallation et d’exploitation.