ČSN EN 16334-1+A1 (284045)

Railway applications - Passenger Alarm System - Part 1: System requirements for mainline rail

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STANDARD published on 1.11.2022

AvailabilityIN STOCK
Price17.80 USD excl. VAT
17.80 USD

The information about the standard:

Designation standards: ČSN EN 16334-1+A1
Classification mark: 284045
Catalog number: 515509
Publication date standards: 1.11.2022
SKU: NS-1088247
The number of pages: 40
Approximate weight : 120 g (0.26 lbs)
Country: Czech technical standard
Category: Technical standards ČSN

The category - similar standards:

Alarm and warning systemsTrailing stock

Annotation of standard text ČSN EN 16334-1+A1 (284045):


! This document specifies the characteristics and the performance requirements of the Passenger Alarm System (PAS). The aim of the PAS is to:

  • - allow passengers, in case of emergency situations, to inform the driver;
  • - allow the driver to keep the train moving or to stop the train at a safe location;

- stop the train automatically:

  • a) at a platform,
  • b) if there is no acknowledgement by the driver.

This document covers the PAS fitted to passenger carrying rolling stock and specifies:

  • - the functional requirements for an alarm triggered in the driving cab (Clause 6);
  • - the communication channel between the driver and passengers or on-board staff (6.4)
  • - the dynamic analysis of the PAS (Clause 7);
  • - the requirements for the degraded modes management (Clause 8);
  • - the safety related requirements (Clause 9);
  • - requirements for the Passenger Alarm Device (PAD) and PAD area (Clause 10).

This document applies to heavy rail rolling stock, which is in the field of the EU Directive 2016/797/EU. This document does not apply to metros, trams and light rail, as defined by the CEN/CENELEC Guide 26.

Existing passenger alarm systems may require modification to work in conjunction with vehicles that comply with this document.

NOTE - Most of the requirements of UIC 541-6 are compliant with this document.

Other communication systems such as "communication device for passengers", "call for aid", "emergency call" or "call for assistance" are covered by the EN 16683 series.

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