ČSN EN IEC 61375-2-6 (342690)

Electronic railway equipment - Train communication network (TCN) - Part 2-6: On-board to ground communication

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STANDARD published on 1.2.2019

AvailabilityIN STOCK
Price38.30 USD excl. VAT
38.30 USD

The information about the standard:

Designation standards: ČSN EN IEC 61375-2-6
Classification mark: 342690
Catalog number: 505933
Publication date standards: 1.2.2019
SKU: NS-935613
The number of pages: 128
Approximate weight : 415 g (0.91 lbs)
Country: Czech technical standard
Category: Technical standards ČSN

The category - similar standards:

Railway rolling stock in general

Annotation of standard text ČSN EN IEC 61375-2-6 (342690):

This part of IEC 61375 establishes the specification for the communication between the on-board subsystems and the ground subsystems.

The communication system, interfaces and protocols are specified as a mobile communication function, using any available wireless technology.

This document provides requirements in order to:

  • a) select the wireless network on the basis of QoS parameters requested by the application;
  • b) allow TCMS and/or OMTS applications, installed on-board and communicating on the on-board communication network, to have a remote access to applications running on ground installations;
  • c) allow applications running on ground installations to have a remote access to the TCMS and/or OMTS applications installed on-board.

This document specifies further requirements which allow the applications running on-board and the applications running on ground to connect each other applying the virtual/functional addressing mechanism specified by IEC 61375-2-3 and exchanging application data sets produced or consumed by the on-board functions implemented in the devices attached to the TCN network.

Furthermore, this document covers the security requirements in order to grant the access only to authenticated and authorised applications and to allow encryption of exchanged data.

The communication of safety related data between on-board applications and ground applications are out of the scope of this International Standard as well as Internet connectivity service for passengers

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