ČSN EN ISO 20108 (730507)

Simultaneous interpreting - Quality and transmission of sound and image input - Requirements

Translate name

STANDARD published on 1.6.2018

AvailabilityIN STOCK
Price13.80 USD excl. VAT
13.80 USD

The information about the standard:

Designation standards: ČSN EN ISO 20108
Classification mark: 730507
Catalog number: 504548
Publication date standards: 1.6.2018
SKU: NS-848656
The number of pages: 28
Approximate weight : 84 g (0.19 lbs)
Country: Czech technical standard
Category: Technical standards ČSN

The category - similar standards:

Public buildings

Annotation of standard text ČSN EN ISO 20108 (730507):

This document sets out requirements for the quality and transmission of sound and image input to interpreters and specifies the characteristics of the audio and video signals. The components of typical interpreting systems are specified in ISO 20109. Together with either permanent (see ISO 2603) or mobile (see ISO 4043) booths, these interpreting systems form the interpreters´ working environment. In addition to setting out the requirements for on-site interpreting, where participants (speakers and members of the audience) and interpreters are at the same location, this document specifies requirements for different varieties of distance interpreting situations in which the interpreters are not at the same location as one or more of the conference participants.

This document also addresses the work of manufacturers and providers of simultaneous interpreting equipment and technical staff.

In conjunction with either ISO 2603 or ISO 4043, this document and ISO 20109 provide the relevant requirements both for the quality and transmission of sound and image provided to interpreters and for the equipment needed in the booths, the conference room and the distant site(s)

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