ČSN ETSI EN 300176-2-V2.3.1 (875012)

Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications (DECT); Test specification; Part 2: Audio and speech

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STANDARD published on 1.6.2020

AvailabilityIN STOCK
Price78.60 USD excl. VAT
78.60 USD

The information about the standard:

Designation standards: ČSN ETSI EN 300176-2-V2.3.1
Classification mark: 875012
Catalog number: 509748
Publication date standards: 1.6.2020
SKU: NS-994114
The number of pages: 340
Approximate weight : 1051 g (2.32 lbs)
Country: Czech technical standard
Category: Technical standards ČSN

The category - similar standards:

Digital Exhanced Cordless Telecommunications (DECT)

Annotation of standard text ČSN ETSI EN 300176-2-V2.3.1 (875012):


The present document specifies the tests applicable to all Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications (DECT) equipment accessing any DECT frequency band (including applicable IMT-2000 frequency bands) and the tests applicable to DECT speech and audio transmission using any of the codecs and any of the audio specifications described in ETSI EN 300 175-8 [8].

The aims of the present document are to ensure:

  • - efficient use of frequency spectrum;
  • - no harm done to any connected network and its services;
  • - no harm done to other radio networks and services;
  • - no harm done to other DECT equipment or its services;
  • - interworking of terminal equipment via any public telecommunications network, including the ISDN/PSTN network and the Internet.

Through testing those provisions of ETSI EN 300 175-1 [1] to ETSI EN 300 175-8 [8] which are relevant to these aims.

The tests of ETSI EN 300 176 are split into two parts:

  • - part 1 [9] covers testing of radio frequency parameters, security elements and those DECT protocols that facilitate the radio frequency tests and efficient use of frequency spectrum;
  • - part 2 (the present document) describes testing of speech and audio requirements between network interface and DECT PT, or between a DECT CI air interface and alternatively a DECT PT or FT.

The present document is not applicable to terminal equipment specially designed for the disabled (e.g. with amplification of received speech as an aid for the hard of hearing).

DECT terminal equipment consists of the following elements:

  • a) Fixed Part (FP);
  • b) Portable Part (PP);
  • c) Cordless Terminal Adapter (CTA);
  • d) Wireless Relay Station (WRS) (FP and PP combined).

The present document is structured to allow tests of either:

  • a) the FP and PP together; or
  • b) the FP and PP as separate items.

Where the DECT FP is connected to a PSTN, and there are any peculiarities in the requirements for voice telephony, these will be accommodated within the FP

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