Standard DIN 2282-2:2001-12 1.12.2001 preview

DIN 2282-2:2001-12

Geometrical Product Specifications (GPS) - "GO" screw gauging members - Part 2: "GO" workshop gauges, check and setting gauging members for ISO general purpose metric screw threads over 40 mm up to 200 mm nominal diameter.

STANDARD published on 1.12.2001

AvailabilityIN STOCK
Price61.70 USD excl. VAT
61.70 USD

The information about the standard:

Designation standards: DIN 2282-2:2001-12
Publication date standards: 1.12.2001
SKU: NS-191366
The number of pages: 8
Approximate weight : 24 g (0.05 lbs)
Country: German technical standard
Category: Technical standards DIN

Annotation of standard text DIN 2282-2:2001-12 :

Geometrische Produktspezifikation (GPS) - Gewinde-Gutlehrenkörper - Teil 2: Gutarbeitslehren, Prüf- und Einstellkörper für Metrisches ISO-Gewinde allgemeiner Anwendung über 40 mm bis 200 mm Gewinde-Nenndurchmesser.

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