Standard DIN EN 60846-1:2015-01 1.1.2015 preview

DIN EN 60846-1:2015-01

VDE 0492-2-1. Radiation protection instrumentation - Ambient and/or directional dose equivalent (rate) meters and/or monitors for beta, X and gamma radiation - Part 1: Portable workplace and environmental meters and monitors.

STANDARD published on 1.1.2015

Availabilityin 7 working days
Price148.80 USD excl. VAT
148.80 USD

The information about the standard:

Designation standards: DIN EN 60846-1:2015-01
Publication date standards: 1.1.2015
SKU: NS-595747
The number of pages: 69
Approximate weight : 207 g (0.46 lbs)
Country: German technical standard
Category: Technical standards DIN

The category - similar standards:

Radiation measurements

Annotation of standard text DIN EN 60846-1:2015-01 :

VDE 0492-2-1. Strahlenschutz-Messgeräte - Umgebungs- und/oder Richtungs-Äquivalentdosis(leistungs)-Messgeräte und/oder Monitore für Beta-, Röntgen- und Gammastrahlung - Teil 1: Tragbare Messgeräte und Monitore für den Arbeitsplatz und die Umgebung.

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