Standard IEC 60034-18-41-ed.1.0 6.3.2014 preview

IEC 60034-18-41-ed.1.0

Rotating electrical machines - Part 18-41: Partial discharge free electrical insulation systems (Type I) used in rotating electrical machines fed from voltage converters - Qualification and quality control tests

STANDARD published on 6.3.2014

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367.90 USD

The information about the standard:

Designation standards: IEC 60034-18-41-ed.1.0
Publication date standards: 6.3.2014
SKU: NS-408249
The number of pages: 84
Approximate weight : 283 g (0.62 lbs)
Country: International technical standard
Category: Technical standards IEC

The category - similar standards:

Rotating machinery in general

Annotation of standard text IEC 60034-18-41-ed.1.0 :

IEC 60034-18-41:2014 defines criteria for assessing the insulation system of stator/rotor windings which are subjected to voltage-source pulse-width-modulation drives. It applies to stator/rotor windings of single or polyphase AC machines with insulation systems for converter operation. It describes qualification tests and quality control (type and routine) tests on representative samples or on completed machines which verify fitness for operation with voltage source converters. LIEC 60034-18-41:2014 definit des criteres pour evaluer le systeme disolation dans des enroulements de stator/de rotor lies a des entrainements a modulation de largeur dimpulsion (PWM) due a la tension. Elle sapplique a des enroulements de stator/de rotor dans des machines a CA monophases ou polyphases comportant des systemes disolation pour le fonctionnement du convertisseur. Elle decrit les essais de qualification et les essais de controle qualite (essais de type et individuels de serie) sur des echantillons representatifs ou sur des machines finies pour verifier quils sont en mesure de fonctionner avec des convertisseurs de source de tension.

These changes apply to this standard:

IEC 60034-18-41-ed.1.0/Amd.1 Change

Amendment 1 - Rotating electrical machines - Part 18-41: Partial discharge free electrical insulation systems (Type I) used in electrical rotating machines fed from voltage converters - Qualification and quality control tests
(Amendement 1 - Machines electriques tournantes - Partie 18-41: Systemes d’isolation electrique sans decharge partielle (Type I) utilises dans des machines electriques tournantes alimentees par des convertisseurs de tension - Essais de qualification et de controle qualite)

Change published on 25.6.2019

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These corrections apply to this standard:

IEC 60034-18-41-ed.1.0/Amd.1/Cor.1 Correction

Corrigendum 1 - Amendment 1 - Rotating electrical machines - Part 18-41: Partial discharge free electrical insulation systems (Type I) used in electrical rotating machines fed from voltage converters - Qualification and quality control tests
(Corrigendum 1 - Amendement 1 - Machines electriques tournantes - Partie 18-41: Systemes d’isolation electrique sans decharge partielle (Type I) utilises dans des machines electriques tournantes alimentees par des convertisseurs de tension - Essais de qualification et de controle qualite)

Correction published on 11.12.2020

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