Standard IEC 60034-27-3-ed.1.0 16.12.2015 preview

IEC 60034-27-3-ed.1.0

Rotating electrical machines - Part 27-3: Dielectric dissipation factor measurement on stator winding insulation of rotating electrical machines

STANDARD published on 16.12.2015

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Price262.80 USD excl. VAT
262.80 USD

The information about the standard:

Designation standards: IEC 60034-27-3-ed.1.0
Publication date standards: 16.12.2015
SKU: NS-623839
The number of pages: 55
Approximate weight : 165 g (0.36 lbs)
Country: International technical standard
Category: Technical standards IEC

The category - similar standards:

Rotating machinery in general

Annotation of standard text IEC 60034-27-3-ed.1.0 :

IEC 60034-27-3:2015 provides guidelines for the test procedures and the interpretation of test results for dielectric dissipation factor measurements on the stator winding insulation of rotating electrical machines. These guidelines are valid for rotating electrical machines with conductive slot coatings operating at a rated voltage of 6 kV and higher. This standard applies to individual form-wound stator bars and coils outside a core (uninstalled), individual stator bars and coils installed in a core and complete form-wound stator winding of machines in new or aged condition. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous publication IEC TR 60894:1987: - inclusion of digital measurement of dissipation factor and capacitance; - inclusion of limits for dissipation factor values; - detailed description of measuring techniques; extension of scope to complete windings. LIEC 60034-27-3:2015 fournit des lignes directrices pour les procedures dessai et linterpretation des resultats dessai concernant les mesures du facteur de dissipation dielectrique sur lisolation des enroulements statoriques des machines electriques tournantes. Ces lignes directrices sont valables pour les machines electriques tournantes a revetement dencoche conducteur dont la tension assignee est superieure ou egale a 6 kV. Cette norme sapplique aux barres et bobines de stator individuelles preformees situees a lexterieur dun noyau (non installees), aux barres et bobines de stator individuelles installees dans un noyau et aux enroulements statoriques preformes complets des machines a letat neuf ou vieilli. Cette edition inclut les modifications techniques majeures suivantes par rapport a lIEC TR 60894:1987: - integration de la mesure numerique du facteur de dissipation et de la capacite; - indication de valeurs limites pour le facteur de dissipation; - description detaillee des techniques de mesure; - extension du domaine dapplication aux enroulements complets.

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