Standard IEC 60034-29-ed.1.0 11.3.2008 preview

IEC 60034-29-ed.1.0

Rotating electrical machines - Part 29: Equivalent loading and superposition techniques - Indirect testing to determine temperature rise

STANDARD published on 11.3.2008

AvailabilityIN STOCK
Price262.80 USD excl. VAT
262.80 USD

The information about the standard:

Designation standards: IEC 60034-29-ed.1.0
Publication date standards: 11.3.2008
SKU: NS-408257
The number of pages: 58
Approximate weight : 174 g (0.38 lbs)
Country: International technical standard
Category: Technical standards IEC

The category - similar standards:

Rotating machinery in general

Annotation of standard text IEC 60034-29-ed.1.0 :

IEC 60034-29 provides various indirect load tests, the purpose of which is to determine the temperature rise of rotating electrical machines, including a.c. induction machines, a.c. synchronous machines and d.c. machines. The test methods in some cases provide, in addition, means of measuring or estimating other parameters such as losses and vibration. Applies to machines covered by IEC 60034-1 when they cannot be loaded to a specific condition. Is applicable to both motors and generators. La CEI 60034-29 fournit differents essais en charge indirects destines a determiner lechauffement des machines electriques tournantes, y compris les machines a induction a courant alternatif, les machines synchrones a courant alternatif et les machines a courant continu. Dans certains cas, les methodes dessai permettent en outre de mesurer ou destimer dautres parametres tels que les pertes et les vibrations. Sapplique aux machines couvertes par la CEI 60034-1 lorsquil est impossible de les soumettre a un point de charge specifique. Est applicable tant aux moteurs quaux generatrices.

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