Change IEC 60055-2-ed.1.0/Amd.2 7.2.2005 preview

IEC 60055-2-ed.1.0/Amd.2

Amendment 2 - Paper-insulated metal-sheathed cables for rated voltages up to 18/30 kV (with copper or aluminium conductors and excluding gas-pressure and oil-filled cables) - Part 2: General and construction requirements

STANDARD published on 7.2.2005

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Price331.60 USD excl. VAT
331.60 USD

The information about the standard:

Designation standards: IEC 60055-2-ed.1.0/Amd.2
Note: Change
Publication date standards: 7.2.2005
SKU: NS-408417
The number of pages: 61
Approximate weight : 183 g (0.40 lbs)
Country: International technical standard
Category: Technical standards IEC

The category - similar standards:


This change (correction) applies to this standard:

IEC 60055-2-ed.1.0

Paper-insulated metal-sheathed cables for rated voltages up to 18/30 kV (with copper or aluminium conductors and excluding gas-pressure and oil-filled cables). Part 2: General and construction requirements
(Cables isoles au papier impregne sous gaine metallique pour des tensions assignees inferieures ou egales a 18/30 kV (avec ames conductrices en cuivre ou aluminium et a l´exclusion des cables a pression de gaz et a huile fluide). Deuxieme partie: Generalites et exigence de construction)

Standard published on 1.1.1981

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331.60 USD


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