Standard IEC 61249-4-15-ed.1.0 26.5.2009 preview

IEC 61249-4-15-ed.1.0

Materials for printed boards and other interconnecting structures - Part 4-15: Sectional specification set for prepreg materials, unclad (for the manufacture of multilayer boards) - Multifunctional epoxide woven E-glass prepreg of defined flammability (vertical burning test) for lead-free assembly

STANDARD published on 26.5.2009

AvailabilityIN STOCK
Price105.70 USD excl. VAT
105.70 USD

The information about the standard:

Designation standards: IEC 61249-4-15-ed.1.0
Publication date standards: 26.5.2009
SKU: NS-412936
The number of pages: 28
Approximate weight : 84 g (0.19 lbs)
Country: International technical standard
Category: Technical standards IEC

The category - similar standards:

Printed circuits and boards

Annotation of standard text IEC 61249-4-15-ed.1.0 :

IEC 61249-4-15:2009 gives requirements for properties of prepreg that are mainly intended to be used as bonding sheets in connection with laminates according IEC 61249-2-35 when manufacturing multilayer boards according to IEC 62326-4. Multilayer boards comprised of these materials are suitable for lead-free assembly processes. This material may also be used to bond other types of laminates. Prepreg, according to this standard, is of defined flammability (vertical burning test). The flammability rating on fully cured prepreg is achieved through the use of brominated fire retardants contained as an integral part of the polymeric structure. After curing of the prepreg according to the suppliers instructions, the glass transition temperature is defined to be 150 °C and 200 °C. La CEI 61249-4-15:2009 fournit des exigences concernant les proprietes des preimpregnes principalement prevus pour etre utilises en tant que feuilles de collage en relation avec des stratifies selon la CEI 61249-2-35 durant la fabrication des cartes multicouches selon la CEI 62326-4. Les cartes multicouches constituees de ces materiaux conviennent pour des processus dassemblage sans plomb. Ce materiau peut egalement etre utilise pour coller dautres types de stratifies. Un preimpregne, selon la presente norme, est dune inflammabilite definie (essai de combustion verticale). Linflammabilite nominale dun preimpregne entierement traite est obtenue en utilisant des retardateurs de flamme bromes faisant partie integrante de la structure polymere. Apres traitement du preimpregne selon les instructions du fabricant, la temperature de transition vitreuse est definie comme etant comprise entre 150 °C et 200 °C.

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