Standard IEC 62465-ed.1.0 11.5.2010 preview

IEC 62465-ed.1.0

Nuclear power plants - Instrumentation and control important to safety - Management of ageing of electrical cabling systems

STANDARD published on 11.5.2010

AvailabilityIN STOCK
Price325.30 USD excl. VAT
325.30 USD

The information about the standard:

Designation standards: IEC 62465-ed.1.0
Publication date standards: 11.5.2010
SKU: NS-414656
The number of pages: 65
Approximate weight : 195 g (0.43 lbs)
Country: International technical standard
Category: Technical standards IEC

The category - similar standards:

Nuclear power plants. Safety

Annotation of standard text IEC 62465-ed.1.0 :

IEC 62465:2010 provides strategies, technical requirements, and recommended practices for the management of normal ageing of cabling systems that are important to safety in nuclear power plants. The main requirements are presented in the body of this International Standard followed by a number of informative annexes with examples of cable testing techniques, procedures, and equipment that are available for the nuclear industry to use to ensure that ageing degradation will not impact plant safety. This publication contains colours which are considered to be useful for the correct understanding of its contents. La CEI 62465:2010 fournit des strategies, des exigences techniques et des pratiques recommandees pour la gestion du vieillissement normal des systemes de cables qui sont importants pour la surete en centrale nucleaire. Les exigences principales sont presentees dans le corps de la norme qui est suivi dun certain nombre dannexes informatives presentant des exemples de techniques, de procedures et de materiels pour lessai des cables qui sont disponibles pour garantir a lindustrie nucleaire que les degradations liees au vieillissement nimpactent pas la surete des installations. Cette publication indique quelle contient des couleurs qui sont considerees comme utiles a une bonne comprehension de son contenu.

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