Standard IEC 62881-ed.1.0 10.10.2018 preview

IEC 62881-ed.1.0

Cause and effect matrix

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STANDARD published on 10.10.2018

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106.10 USD

The information about the standard:

Designation standards: IEC 62881-ed.1.0
Publication date standards: 10.10.2018
SKU: NS-900528
The number of pages: 31
Approximate weight : 93 g (0.21 lbs)
Country: International technical standard
Category: Technical standards IEC

The category - similar standards:

Industrial process measurement and control

Annotation of standard text IEC 62881-ed.1.0 :

IEC 62881:2018 addresses the setting and implementation of C&E matrices for a consistent use in engineering activities. It aims to describe a simple format used to support a consistent exchange of information between different engineering disciplines involved in project or maintenance activities. The document defines the minimum requirements of the C&E matrix content, which is derived from existing design documents, for example P&ID or verbal descriptions. The transfer of the relations defined in C&E matrices into a functional or source code for the application programming of PLC/DCS is out of the scope of this document. In addition, this document does not cover the implementation of complex and/or sequential logics at a dedicated automation platform, which will require additional stipulations to be done/ followed. It is understood, that C&E matrices in fact can be used to document the fault reactions of the plant equipment and therefore can be used as reference point for the necessary safety verifications to be applied. C&E matrices as defined in this document do not have the same scope as Fishbone or Ishikawa diagrams, which are often named in the literature as cause and effect diagrams. The contents of the interpretation sheet of April 2019 have been included in this copy. IEC 62881:2018 traite de la definition et de la mise en ouvre des matrices C&E pour une utilisation coherente dans le cadre des activites dingenierie. Son objectif est de specifier un format simple de prise en charge dun echange coherent dinformations entre les differentes disciplines techniques intervenant dans les activites liees au projet ou de maintenance. Le document definit les exigences minimales concernant le contenu des matrices C&E issu des documents de conception existants, par exemple des plans de tuyauterie et dinstrumentation ou des descriptions verbales. La transformation des relations definies dans les matrices C&E en un code fonctionnel ou source pour la programmation dapplication des AP/DCS ne releve pas du domaine dapplication du present document. De plus, le present document ne traite pas de la mise en ouvre de logiques complexes et/ou sequentielles sur une plate-forme dautomatisation dediee, qui exige la definition/le respect de specifications supplementaires. Il est entendu que les matrices C&E peuvent en fait servir a documenter les reactions aux anomalies des equipements dune installation et par consequent etre egalement utilisees comme point de reference pour les verifications de securite necessaires a effectuer. Les matrices C&E telles que definies dans le present document ne relevent pas du meme domaine d’application que les diagrammes en arete de poisson ou diagrammes d’Ishikawa, egalement appeles diagrammes de causes-effets dans les ouvrages de reference. Le contenu de la feuille dinterpretation davril 2019 a ete pris en consideration dans cet exemplaire.

These corrections apply to this standard:

IEC 62881-ed.1.0/Cor.1 Correction

Corrigendum 1 - Cause and effect matrix
(Corrigendum 1 - Matrice des causes et effets)

Correction published on 23.4.2019

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