Standard IEC 63002-ed.2.0 27.5.2021 preview

IEC 63002-ed.2.0

Interoperability specifications and communication method for external power supplies used with computing and consumer electronics devices

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STANDARD published on 27.5.2021

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339.70 USD

The information about the standard:

Designation standards: IEC 63002-ed.2.0
Publication date standards: 27.5.2021
SKU: NS-1026274
The number of pages: 76
Approximate weight : 228 g (0.50 lbs)
Country: International technical standard
Category: Technical standards IEC

Annotation of standard text IEC 63002-ed.2.0 :

IEC 63002:2021 defines common charging interoperability guidelines for power sources (external power supplies (EPSs) and other Sources) used with computing and consumer electronics devices that implement IEC 62680-1-3 (USB Type-C Cable and Connector Specification). This document defines normative requirements for an EPS to ensure interoperability; in particular, it specifies the data communicated from a power source to a device and certain safety elements of the EPS, cable, and device. While the requirements focus of this document is on the EPS and the behaviour at its USB Type-C connector interface, it is also important to comprehend cable assembly and device capabilities and behaviours in order to assure end-to-end charging interoperability. This document does not apply to all design aspects of an EPS. This document does not specify regulatory compliance requirements for aspects such as product safety, EMC or energy efficiency. This document provides recommendations for the behaviour of a device when used with a power source compliant with this document. It specifies the minimum hardware specification for an EPS implementing IEC 62680-1-3. This document also specifies the data objects used by a charging system utilizing IEC 62680-1-2 to understand the identity, design and performance characteristics, and operating status of an external power supply. IEC 62680-1-2 focuses on power delivery applications ranging to 100 W for a variety of computing and consumer electronics devices including notebook computers, tablets, smartphones, small form-factor desktops, monitor displays and other related multimedia devices. This document relies on established mechanical and electrical specifications, and communication protocols specified by IEC 62680-1-2 and IEC 62680-1-3. These specifications support methods for establishing the best performing interoperability between untested combinations of EPS and devices with the aim of improving consumer satisfaction. Information describing the USB charging interoperability model, overview of USB Type-C and USB Power Delivery specifications, and factors for charging performance are also provided to support implementation of this document. IEC 63002:2021 cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2016. This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition: a) title is changed from Identification and communication interoperability method for external power supplies used with portable computing devices; b) Clause 4, EPS interoperability based on USB technologies, is added; c) Clause 5, EPS specification, adds hardware and protection requirements; overvoltage protection is changed from optional to normative; d) Annex B and Annex C are added, providing an explanation of the design features in USB Power Delivery that enhance reliability and an explanation of the concepts of charge rate and power. LIEC 63002:2021 definit des lignes directrices pour linteroperabilite de la charge commune des sources dalimentation (alimentations externes [EPS] et autres Sources) utilisees avec les dispositifs informatiques et les dispositifs electroniques grand public qui mettent en ouvre lIEC 62680-1-3 (specification des cables et connecteurs USB Type-C). Le present document definit les exigences normatives des EPS en matiere dinteroperabilite; il specifie notamment les donnees communiquees par une source dalimentation a un dispositif (voir Figure 1) et certains elements de securite de lEPS, du cable et du dispositif. Alors que les exigences definies dans le present document concernent lEPS et le comportement au niveau de linterface de son connecteur USB Type-C, il est egalement important de comprendre les capacites et le comportement des ensembles de cables et des dispositifs afin dassurer une interoperabilite de bout en bout de la charge. Le present document ne couvre pas tous les aspects de conception dune EPS. Le present document ne definit pas les exigences de conformite reglementaire pour des aspects tels que la securite des produits, la comptabilite electromagnetique (CEM) ou lefficacite energetique. Le present document fournit des recommandations pour le comportement dun dispositif lorsquil est utilise avec une source dalimentation conforme au present document. Il specifie les caracteristiques materielles minimales exigees pour une EPS qui met en ouvre lIEC 62680-1-3. Le present document specifie egalement les objets de donnees utilises par un systeme de charge conforme a lIEC 62680-1-2 pour comprendre les caracteristiques didentite, de conception et de performance, ainsi que letat de fonctionnement dune alimentation externe. LIEC 62680-1-2 se concentre sur les applications dalimentation jusqua 100 W pour une large gamme de dispositifs informatiques et de dispositifs electroniques grand public, notamment les ordinateurs portables, les tablettes, les mobiles multifonctions, les ordinateurs de bureau compacts, les moniteurs et dautres dispositifs multimedias analogues. Le present document sappuie sur les specifications mecaniques et electriques etablies, ainsi que sur les protocoles de communication specifies dans lIEC 62680-1-2 et lIEC 62680-1-3. Ces specifications decrivent les methodes qui visent a optimiser linteroperabilite entre les combinaisons EPS-dispositif qui nont pas ete soumises a lessai dans le but dameliorer la satisfaction du client. Le present document decrit egalement le modele dinteroperabilite de la charge USB, la specification USB Type-C et la specification de lalimentation electrique par port USB, ainsi que les facteurs de rendement de charge necessaires aux fins de mise en ouvre. LIEC 63002:2021 annule et remplace la premiere edition parue en 2016. Cette edition constitue une revision technique. Cette edition inclut les modifications techniques majeures suivantes par rapport a ledition precedente: a) la presente norme

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