Standard IEC 63085-ed.1.0 24.6.2021 preview

IEC 63085-ed.1.0

Radiation protection instrumentation - System of spectral identification of liquids in transparent and semitransparent containers (Raman systems)

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STANDARD published on 24.6.2021

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Price212.10 USD excl. VAT
212.10 USD

The information about the standard:

Designation standards: IEC 63085-ed.1.0
Publication date standards: 24.6.2021
SKU: NS-1029555
The number of pages: 48
Approximate weight : 144 g (0.32 lbs)
Country: International technical standard
Category: Technical standards IEC

The category - similar standards:

Radiation protection

Annotation of standard text IEC 63085-ed.1.0 :

IEC 63085:2021 provides technical performance requirements, testing methods, requirements for operational performance and accompanying documents, packaging, transportation and storage conditions for the system of spectral identification of liquids in transparent and semitransparent containers (hereinafter referred to as “system”), based on the method of inelastic (Raman) light scattering by molecules. This document applies both to stationary and hand-held systems; geometric and mass parameters are not concerned in the tests. This document is applicable to substance identification testing criteria as well as verification, approval and operating criteria of the system. Since this document considers only the functionality of Raman analyzers and their ability to identify single- or multicomponent fluids, it is equally suitable for verifying the Raman analyzers assigned to security screening of threats, inspection of medical solutions, liquid chemicals, etc. IEC 63085:2021 fournit les exigences de performances techniques, les methodes dessai, les exigences en matiere de performances operationnelles et les documents daccompagnement, les conditions demballage, de transport et de stockage du systeme didentification spectrale des liquides dans des recipients transparents et semi-transparents (ici appeles "systeme"), reposant sur la methode de diffusion inelastique de la lumiere (Raman) par des molecules. Le present document sapplique tant aux systemes stationnaires que portatifs (les parametres de geometrie et de masse ne sont pas concernes par les essais). Le present document sapplique aux criteres dessais didentification de substance, ainsi quaux criteres de verification, dhomologation et de fonctionnement du systeme. Etant donne que le present document prend uniquement en consideration la fonctionnalite des analyseurs Raman et leur aptitude a identifier des fluides a un ou plusieurs composants, il permet egalement de verifier les analyseurs Raman destines au filtrage de securite des menaces, a lexamen des solutions medicales, aux produits chimiques liquides, etc.

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