Standard IEC 63093-3-ed.1.0 27.3.2020 preview

IEC 63093-3-ed.1.0

Ferrite cores - Guidelines on dimensions and the limits of surface irregularities - Part 3: Half pot-cores made of ferrite for inductive proximity switches

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STANDARD published on 27.3.2020

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Price109.50 USD excl. VAT
109.50 USD

The information about the standard:

Designation standards: IEC 63093-3-ed.1.0
Publication date standards: 27.3.2020
SKU: NS-989917
The number of pages: 28
Approximate weight : 84 g (0.19 lbs)
Country: International technical standard
Category: Technical standards IEC

The category - similar standards:

Magnetic components

Annotation of standard text IEC 63093-3-ed.1.0 :

IEC 63093-3:2020 specifies the dimensions that are of importance for mechanical interchangeability for a preferred range of half pot-cores made of ferrite, intended to be used in inductive proximity switches. Half pot-cores for inductive proximity switches are also called PS-cores. The selection of core sizes and shapes for this document is based on the philosophy of including those sizes and shapes which are industrial standards, either by inclusion in a national standard, or by broad-based use in industry. This part of IEC 63093 can also be considered as a sectional specification useful in the negotiations between ferrite core manufacturers and customers about surface irregularities. It provides guidelines on the allowable limits of surface irregularities applicable to PS-cores in accordance with the relevant generic specification. This first edition cancels and replaces the first edition of IEC 62323, published in 2005. This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition of IEC 62323: a) addition of the limits surface irregularities. LIEC 63093-3:2020 specifie les dimensions importantes pour linterchangeabilite mecanique dune gamme preferentielle de demi-circuits magnetiques en pot en ferrite, destinee a etre utilisee dans des commutateurs inductifs de proximite. Les demi-circuits magnetiques en pots des commutateurs inductifs de proximite sont egalement appeles noyaux PS. Le choix des tailles et formes de noyau pour le present document repose sur la philosophie consistant a introduire les tailles et formes qui correspondent a des normes industrielles, soit dans une norme nationale soit par une utilisation a grande echelle dans le secteur industriel. La presente partie de lIEC 63093 peut etre consideree comme une specification intermediaire utile dans les negociations tenues entre les fabricants de noyaux ferrites et les clients concernant les irregularites de surface. Elle donne les lignes directrices relatives aux limites acceptables des irregularites de surface applicables aux noyaux PS conformement a la specification generique correspondante. Cette premiere edition annule et remplace la premiere edition de lIEC 62323 parue en 2005. Cette edition constitue une revision technique. Cette edition inclut les modifications techniques majeures suivantes par rapport a ledition precedente de lIEC 62323: a) ajout des limites des irregularites de surface.

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