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Protocol for management of electric vehicles charging and discharging infrastructures - Part 1: Basic definitions, use cases and architectures
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STANDARD published on 29.7.2022
Designation standards: IEC 63110-1-ed.1.0
Publication date standards: 29.7.2022
SKU: NS-1069242
The number of pages: 314
Approximate weight : 973 g (2.15 lbs)
Country: International technical standard
Category: Technical standards IEC
IEC 63110-1:2022, as a basis for the other parts of IEC 63110, covers the definitions, use cases and architecture for the management of electric vehicle charging and discharging infrastructures. It addresses the general requirements for the establishment of an e-mobility eco-system, therefore covering the communication flows between different e-mobility actors as well as data flows with the electric power system. This document covers the following features: – management of energy transfer (e.g., charging session), reporting, including information exchanges related to the required energy, grid usage, contractual data, and metering data; – asset management of EVSE, including controlling, monitoring, maintaining, provisioning, firmware update and configuration (profiles) of EVSE; – authentication/authorization/payment of charging and discharging sessions, including roaming, pricing, and metering information; – the provision of other e-mobility services; – cybersecurity. LIEC 63110-1:2022, qui sert de base aux autres parties de lIEC 63110, couvre les definitions, cas dutilisation et architectures pour la gestion des infrastructures de charge et de decharge des vehicules electriques. Elle porte sur les exigences generales relatives a la mise en place dun ecosysteme de mobilite electrique et couvre donc les flux de communication entre les differents acteurs de mobilite electrique, ainsi que les flux de donnees avec le systeme dalimentation electrique. Le present document couvre les caracteristiques suivantes: – la gestion du transfert denergie (session de charge, par exemple), la consignation, y compris les echanges dinformations relatives a lenergie exigee, lutilisation du reseau electrique, les donnees contractuelles et les donnees de comptage; – la gestion des actifs du SAVE, y compris le controle, la surveillance, la maintenance, lapprovisionnement, la mise a jour du micrologiciel et la configuration (profils) du SAVE; – lauthentification/lautorisation/le paiement des sessions de charge et de decharge, y compris les informations ditinerance, de tarification et de comptage; – la fourniture dautres services de mobilite electrique; – la cybersecurite.
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