Standard IEC 63119-1-ed.1.0 26.6.2019 preview

IEC 63119-1-ed.1.0

Information exchange for electric vehicle charging roaming service - Part 1: General

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STANDARD published on 26.6.2019

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Price109.00 USD excl. VAT
109.00 USD

The information about the standard:

Designation standards: IEC 63119-1-ed.1.0
Publication date standards: 26.6.2019
SKU: NS-953150
The number of pages: 28
Approximate weight : 84 g (0.19 lbs)
Country: International technical standard
Category: Technical standards IEC

Annotation of standard text IEC 63119-1-ed.1.0 :

IEC 63119-1:2019 establishes a basis for the other parts of IEC 63119, specifying the terms and definitions, general description of the system model, classification, information exchange and security mechanisms for roaming between EV charge service providers (CSP), charging station operators (CSOs) and clearing house platforms through roaming endpoints. It provides an overview and describes the general requirements of the EV roaming service system. IEC 63119 (all parts) is applicable to high-level communication involved in information exchange/interaction between different CSPs, as well as between a CSP and a CSO with or without a clearing house platform through the roaming endpoint. IEC 63119 (all parts) does not specify the information exchange, either between the charging station (CS) and the charging station operator (CSO), or between the EV and the CS. LIEC 63119-1:2019 constitue la base des autres parties de la serie IEC 63119. Elle specifie les termes et definitions, la description generale du modele de systeme, la classification, lechange dinformations et les mecanismes de securite pour litinerance entre les prestataires de services de recharge de vehicules electriques (CSP), les operateurs de bornes de charge (CSO) et les plateformes dechange de donnees par le biais dun noud final ditinerance. Elle fournit une vue densemble et decrit les exigences generales du systeme du service ditinerance des VE. LIEC 63119 (toutes les parties) sapplique aux communications de haut niveau dans le cadre des echanges dinformations/interactions entre les differents CSP, mais aussi entre un CSP et un CSO avec ou sans plateforme dechange de donnees par le biais du noud final ditinerance. LIEC 63119 (toutes les parties) ne specifie pas lechange dinformations entre la borne de charge (CS) et loperateur de bornes de charge (CSO) ni entre le VE et la CS.

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