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Information exchange for electric vehicle charging roaming service - Part 2: Use cases
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STANDARD published on 18.10.2022
Designation standards: IEC 63119-2-ed.1.0
Publication date standards: 18.10.2022
SKU: NS-1096228
The number of pages: 120
Approximate weight : 391 g (0.86 lbs)
Country: International technical standard
Category: Technical standards IEC
IEC 63119-2:2022 specifies roaming use cases of information exchange between EV charging service providers (CSP), charging station operators (CSOs) and clearing house platforms through roaming endpoints. The elementary use cases defined in this document are designed to support the user to have access to the EV supply equipment which does not belong to the home-CSP. IEC 63119 (all parts) is applicable to high-level communication involved in information exchange/interaction between different CSPs, as well as between a CSP and CSO with or without clearing house platform through the roaming endpoint. IEC 63119 (all parts) does not specify the communication either between charging station (CS) and charging station operator (CSO) or between EV and CS. LIEC 63119-2:2022 specifie les cas dutilisation en itinerance de lechange dinformations entre les prestataires de services de recharge (CSP, Charging Service Providers) de VE, les operateurs de bornes de charge (CSO, Charging Station Operators) et les plateformes dechanges de donnees par le biais dun noud final ditinerance. Les cas dutilisation elementaires definis dans le present document sont concus pour aider lutilisateur a acceder au systeme dalimentation pour VE qui nappartient pas au CSP contractuel. LIEC 63119 (toutes les parties) sapplique aux communications de haut niveau dans le cadre des echanges dinformations/interactions entre les differents CSP, mais aussi entre un CSP et un CSO avec ou sans plateforme dechange de donnees par le biais du noud final ditinerance. LIEC 63119 (toutes les parties) ne specifie pas la communication entre la borne de charge (CS, Charging Station) et loperateur de bornes de charge (CSO) ni entre le VE et la CS.
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