Standard IEC 63132-2-ed.1.0 20.4.2020 preview

IEC 63132-2-ed.1.0

Guidance for installation procedures and tolerances of hydroelectric machines - Part 2: Vertical generators

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STANDARD published on 20.4.2020

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Price211.20 USD excl. VAT
211.20 USD

The information about the standard:

Designation standards: IEC 63132-2-ed.1.0
Publication date standards: 20.4.2020
SKU: NS-992397
The number of pages: 42
Approximate weight : 126 g (0.28 lbs)
Country: International technical standard
Category: Technical standards IEC

The category - similar standards:

Hydraulic energy engineering

Annotation of standard text IEC 63132-2-ed.1.0 :

The purpose of IEC 63132-2:2020 is to establish, in a general way, suitable procedures and tolerances for installation of generator. This document presents a typical assembly. There are many possible ways to assemble a unit. The size of the machines, design of the machines, layout of the powerhouse or delivery schedule of the components are some of the elements that could result in additional steps, the elimination of some steps and/or assembly sequences. It is understood that a publication of this type will be binding only if, and to the extent that, both contracting parties have agreed upon it. This document excludes matters of purely commercial interest, except those inextricably bound up with the conduct of installation. This document applies to vertical generators according to IEC 60034-7. The tolerances in this document have been established upon best practices and experience, although it is recognized that other standards specify different tolerances. Brushless excitation system is not included in this document. Wherever this document specifies that documents, drawings or information is supplied by a manufacturer (or by manufacturers), each individual manufacturer will furnish the appropriate information for their own supply only. IEC 63132-2:2020 L’objectif de la presente partie de lIEC 63132 est d’etablir, d’une facon generale, des procedures et des tolerances adequates pour l’installation des turbines et alternateurs hydroelectriques. Ce document presente un assemblage typique. Il y a plusieurs facons possibles pour assembler un groupe. Les dimensions des machines, la conception des machines, le plan de la centrale et l’echeancier des livraisons des differentes composantes sont quelques elements qui peuvent resulter en l’ajout d’etapes, l’elimination de certaines etapes et/ou des sequences d’assemblages. Il est entendu que ce type de document sera contraignant seulement si, et dans la mesure ou, les deux parties contractuelles l’ont convenu. Ce document exclut les questions d’interet purement commercial, sauf celles inextricablement liees au deroulement de l’installation. Les tolerances mentionnees dans ce document ont ete determinees selon les meilleures pratiques et l’experience, bien qu’il soit reconnu que d’autres normes specifient des tolerances differentes. Ce guide s’applique aux alternateurs verticaux selon lIEC 60034-7. Partout ou ce document precise que des documents, des dessins ou des renseignements sont fournis par un fabricant (ou par des fabricants), chaque fabricant fournira les informations appropriees pour leur propre approvisionnement seulement.

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