Standard IEC 63202-1-ed.1.0 20.6.2019 preview

IEC 63202-1-ed.1.0

Photovoltaic cells - Part 1: Measurement of light-induced degradation of crystalline silicon photovoltaic cells

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STANDARD published on 20.6.2019

AvailabilityIN STOCK
Price54.50 USD excl. VAT
54.50 USD

The information about the standard:

Designation standards: IEC 63202-1-ed.1.0
Publication date standards: 20.6.2019
SKU: NS-953151
The number of pages: 17
Approximate weight : 51 g (0.11 lbs)
Country: International technical standard
Category: Technical standards IEC

The category - similar standards:

Solar energy engineering

Annotation of standard text IEC 63202-1-ed.1.0 :

IEC 63202-1:2019 describes procedures for measuring the light-induced degradation (LID) of crystalline silicon photovoltaic (PV) cells in simulated sunlight. The magnitude of LID in a crystalline silicon PV cell is determined by comparing maximum output power at Standard Test Conditions (STC) before, and after, exposure to simulated sunlight at a specified temperature and irradiance. The purpose of this document is to provide standardized PV cell LID information to help PV module manufacturers in minimizing the mismatch between cells within the same module, thereby maximizing power yield. lIEC 63202-1:2019 decrit les procedures pour la mesure de la degradation induite par la lumiere (LID, light-induced degradation) des cellules photovoltaiques (PV) au silicium cristallin sous eclairement solaire simule. Lamplitude de la degradation induite par la lumiere dans une cellule photovoltaique au silicium cristallin est determinee en comparant la puissance de sortie maximale aux conditions normales d’essai ((STC, standard test conditions) avant et apres lexposition a un eclairement solaire simule, a une temperature et un eclairement specifies. Lobjet du present document est de fournir des informations sur la degradation induite par la lumiere des cellules photovoltaiques normalisees, afin daider les fabricants de modules photovoltaiques a reduire le plus possible la desadaptation entre les cellules a linterieur du meme module, augmentant ainsi au maximum le rendement de puissance.

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