Standard IEC 63203-406-1-ed.1.0 16.12.2021 preview

IEC 63203-406-1-ed.1.0

Wearable electronic devices and technologies - Part 406-1: Test method for measuring surface temperature of wrist-worn wearable electronic devices while in contact with human skin

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STANDARD published on 16.12.2021

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Price105.10 USD excl. VAT
105.10 USD

The information about the standard:

Designation standards: IEC 63203-406-1-ed.1.0
Publication date standards: 16.12.2021
SKU: NS-1045554
The number of pages: 29
Approximate weight : 87 g (0.19 lbs)
Country: International technical standard
Category: Technical standards IEC

The category - similar standards:

Electronic components in general

Annotation of standard text IEC 63203-406-1-ed.1.0 :

IEC 63203-406-1:2021 defines the terms, definitions, symbols, configurations, and test methods to be used to specify the standard measurement conditions and methods for determining the contact-surface temperature of wrist-worn wearable electronic devices intended to be worn directly on a human wrist and that can be worn continuously during use. The conditions of the test do not consider perfusion and results are therefore considered conservatively. The temperature increase is induced by the thermal energy of wearable electronic devices during operation. This document gives the general procedure for the test method applicable to various wrist-worn wearable electronic devices for use by ordinary persons which in the context of this document is a healthy human adult. L‘IEC 63203-406-1:2021 definit les termes, les definitions, les symboles, les configurations et les methodes dessai a utiliser pour specifier les conditions de mesure normalisees et les methodes de determination de la temperature a la surface de contact des dispositifs electroniques prets-a-porter places au poignet, destines a etre portes directement sur le poignet humain et qui peuvent etre portes de maniere continue pendant leur utilisation. Les conditions de l’essai ne prennent pas en consideration la diffusion et les resultats sont par consequent consideres avec prudence. Laugmentation de la temperature est induite par lenergie thermique des dispositifs electroniques prets-a-porter pendant leur fonctionnement. Le present document donne la procedure generale pour la methode dessai applicable a divers dispositifs electroniques prets-a-porter places au poignet et destines a etre utilises par des personnes ordinaires qui, dans le contexte de ce document, sont des adultes humains en bonne sante.

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