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Specifications for SELV DC systems conforming to the ESMAP multi-tier framework tier 2 and tier 3 requirements for household electricity supply
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STANDARD published on 17.6.2022
Designation standards: IEC 63318-ed.1.0
Publication date standards: 17.6.2022
SKU: NS-1066298
The number of pages: 32
Approximate weight : 96 g (0.21 lbs)
Country: International technical standard
Category: Technical standards IEC
IEC 63318:2022 This document specifies electrical systems that are intended to be used for electricity access and not connected to a public network such as product kits up to 35 V DC as specified in IEC 62257-9-5 and IEC 62257-9-8 for Tier 2 of the ESMAP Muti-Tier Framework for household electricity supply; and/or 48 V DC fixed installations, for Tier 3 of the ESMAP Muti-Tier Framework for household electricity supply. This document applies to Tier 2 and Tier 3 installations using SELV DC systems. IEC 63318:2022 Le present document specifie les systemes electriques destines a etre utilises pour lacces a lelectricite et non raccordes a un reseau public tels que les kits de produits jusqua 35 V en courant continu specifies dans lIEC 62257-9-5 et lIEC 62257-9-8 pour le Niveau 2 du cadre multiniveaux de lESMAP pour lalimentation en electricite domestique, et/ou les installations fixes de 48 V en courant continu pour le Niveau 3 du cadre multiniveaux de lESMAP pour lalimentation en electricite domestique. Le present document sapplique aux installations de niveau 2 et de niveau 3 qui utilisent des schemas TBTS en courant continu.
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