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Unified reference model for smart manufacturing
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STANDARD published on 10.10.2024
Designation standards: IEC 63339-ed.1.0
Publication date standards: 10.10.2024
SKU: NS-1200470
The number of pages: 203
Approximate weight : 640 g (1.41 lbs)
Country: International technical standard
Category: Technical standards IEC
IEC 63339:2024 specifies the unified reference model for smart manufacturing (URMSM) using a terminology and structure, and establishes criteria for creating reference models, as specializations, that support smart manufacturing. The terminology and structure comprise a set of common modelling elements, their associations, and conformance criteria. These common modelling elements address aspects and perspectives of products and production and their lifecycle considerations. The URMSM enables an approach for creating multiple models based upon a reference model that is sufficient for understanding significant relationships among entities involved in smart manufacturing (SM) and for the development of standards and other specifications. The URMSM specifications in this document accommodate consistent, coherent, compatible specializations for relevant aspects of manufacturing systems consisting of equipment, products, and services within the domain of manufacturing. Provisions of this document are applicable for a new smart manufacturing reference model (SMRM) or elaboration of existing SMRM capabilities, for example, improving capabilities for analysis of opportunities and synthesis of technological advances, and improving interoperability of new and existing systems. This document is not intended to prescribe interoperability considerations or data schemas of models. Standardization of content relative to models will be the subject of other standards and texts specific to those model domains. IEC 63339:2024 specifie le modele de reference unifie pour la fabrication intelligente (URMSM) a l’aide d’une terminologie et d’une structure donnees, et etablit des criteres pour la creation de modeles de reference, en tant que specialisations, qui prennent en charge la fabrication intelligente. La terminologie et la structure comprennent un ensemble d’elements de modelisation communs, leurs associations et des criteres de conformite. Ces elements de modelisation communs traitent des aspects et des perspectives des produits et de la production, ainsi que des considerations relatives a leur cycle de vie. L’URMSM permet de creer de multiples modeles en partant d’un modele de reference qui est suffisamment developpe pour comprendre les relations significatives entre les entites impliquees dans la fabrication intelligente (SM) et pour developper des normes et d’autres specifications. Les specifications relatives a l’URMSM dans le present document permettent des specialisations coherentes et compatibles pour les aspects pertinents des systemes de fabrication composes d’equipements, de produits et de services dans le domaine de la fabrication. Les dispositions du present document s’appliquent a la creation d’un nouveau modele de reference pour la fabrication intelligente (SMRM) ou a l’affinement des capacites d’un SMRM existant (par exemple, l’amelioration des capacites d’analyse des opportunites et de synthese des avancees technologiques, et l’amelioration de l’interoperabilite des systemes nouveaux et existants). Le present document n’a pas pour but de prescrire des considerations d’interoperabilite ou des schemas de donnees de modeles. La normalisation du contenu relatif aux modeles fera l’objet d’autres normes et textes specifiques a ces domaines de modeles.
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