Standard IEC 63403-1-ed.1.0 8.2.2024 preview

IEC 63403-1-ed.1.0

Horticultural lighting - LED packages for horticultural lighting - Part 1: Specification sheet

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STANDARD published on 8.2.2024

AvailabilityIN STOCK
Price108.70 USD excl. VAT
108.70 USD

The information about the standard:

Designation standards: IEC 63403-1-ed.1.0
Publication date standards: 8.2.2024
SKU: NS-1166260
The number of pages: 24
Approximate weight : 72 g (0.16 lbs)
Country: International technical standard
Category: Technical standards IEC

The category - similar standards:

Other standards related to lamps

Annotation of standard text IEC 63403-1-ed.1.0 :

IEC 63403-1:2024 specifies the requirements for specification sheets relating to LED packages designed for horticultural lighting purposes. LED packages designed for horticultural lighting purposes in this document can be designed for emission of white light or emission of optical radiation at specified wavelengths. LED packages for horticultural lighting purposes are usually designed into LED modules or luminaires. This document does not contain compliance criteria, which can be affected by module or luminaire design, and are assumed to be plant species and growth stage dependent. L’IEC 63403-1:2024 donne les exigences pour les feuilles de specification concernant les boitiers LED concus pour leclairage horticole. Les boitiers LED destines a leclairage horticole qui font lobjet du present document peuvent etre concus pour lemission de lumiere blanche ou lemission de rayonnement optique a des longueurs d’onde specifiees. Les boitiers LED pour leclairage horticole sont generalement integres a des modules LED ou a des luminaires. Le present document ne contient pas de criteres de conformite, qui peuvent etre affectes par la conception du module ou du luminaire, et qui sont reputes dependre de lespece de la plante cultivee et de son stade de croissance.

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