Standard IEC 80000-6-ed.2.0 16.11.2022 preview

IEC 80000-6-ed.2.0

Quantities and units - Part 6: Electromagnetism

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STANDARD published on 16.11.2022

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Price340.80 USD excl. VAT
340.80 USD

The information about the standard:

Designation standards: IEC 80000-6-ed.2.0
Publication date standards: 16.11.2022
SKU: NS-1096242
The number of pages: 70
Approximate weight : 210 g (0.46 lbs)
Country: International technical standard
Category: Technical standards IEC

Annotation of standard text IEC 80000-6-ed.2.0 :

IEC 80000-6:2022 gives names, symbols, and definitions for quantities and units of electromagnetism. Where appropriate, conversion factors are also given. International Standard IEC 80000-6 has been prepared by IEC technical committee 25: Quantities and units, and their letter symbols in close cooperation with ISO/TC 12, Quantities and units. This standard is based on classical electromagnetism, i.e. mainly Maxwell’s equations. No reference is made to quantum field theories. IEC 80000-6:2022 cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2008. This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition: 1) With the new definitions in SI, some previously exact values for quantities now must be determined experimentally while other quantities are given as exact values; 2) Item 6-2.2, elementary charge added; 3) Item 6-11.4, induced voltage, added; 4) Index of entries added; 5) Editorial alignment to other parts of the IEC and ISO 80000 series. LIEC 80000-6:2022 donne des noms, des symboles et des definitions pour les grandeurs et les unites delectromagnetisme. Le cas echeant, des facteurs de conversion sont egalement indiques. Cette norme est basee sur lelectromagnetisme classique, cest-a-dire principalement les equations de Maxwell. Aucune reference nest faite aux theories quantiques des champs. L’IEC 80000-6 a ete etablie par le comite detudes 25 de l’IEC: Grandeurs et unites, et leurs symboles litteraux, en cooperation etroite avec lISO/TC 12, Grandeurs et unites. Il sagit dune Norme internationale. Cette deuxieme edition de l’IEC 80000-6 annule et remplace la premiere edition parue en 2008. Cette edition constitue une revision technique. Cette edition inclut les modifications techniques majeures suivantes par rapport a ledition precedente: 1) avec les nouvelles definitions du SI, certaines valeurs auparavant exactes pour des grandeurs doivent maintenant etre determinees de maniere experimentale, tandis que dautres grandeurs sont donnees comme des valeurs exactes; 2) ajout de l’article 6-2.2, charge elementaire; 3) ajout de l’article 6-11.4, tension induite; 4) ajout d’un index des entrees; 5) alignement redactionnel sur dautres parties des series IEC et ISO 80000.

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