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Surface cleaning appliances - Part 7: Dry-cleaning robots for household or similar use - Methods for measuring the performance
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STANDARD published on 28.10.2020
Designation standards: IEC/ASTM 62885-7-ed.1.0
Publication date standards: 28.10.2020
SKU: NS-1008646
The number of pages: 147
Approximate weight : 472 g (1.04 lbs)
Country: International technical standard
Category: Technical standards IEC
IEC/ASTM 62885-7:2020 is applicable to dry-cleaning robots for household use or under conditions similar to those in households. The purpose of this document is to specify the essential performance characteristics of dry- cleaning robots that are of interest to users and to describe methods for measuring these characteristics. This document is neither concerned with safety requirements nor with performance requirements. This first edition of IEC/ASTM 62885-7 cancels and replaces IEC 62929:2014. This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to IEC 62929:2014: a) the box test has been cancelled; b) the set of straight-line tests have been extended to contain also tests on removal of different kinds of debris both from hard floors and carpets; c) the set of straight-line tests also contains a test on the removal of fibres from carpets; d) as a miscellaneous test, a method for the determination of energy consumption has been added; e) a separate clause on test material and equipment has been added. LIEC/ASTM 62885-7:2020 sapplique aux robots de nettoyage a sec pour usage domestique ou utilisation dans des conditions similaires a celles rencontrees dans des conditions domestiques Le present document a pour objet de specifier les principales caracteristiques d’aptitude a la fonction des robots de nettoyage a sec presentant un interet pour les utilisateurs et de decrire des methodes de mesure de ces caracteristiques. Le present document ne couvre ni les exigences de securite ni les exigences daptitude a la fonction. Cette premiere edition de lIEC/ASTM 62885-7 annule et remplace lIEC 62929:2014. Cette edition constitue une revision technique. Cette edition inclut les modifications techniques majeures suivantes par rapport a lIEC 62929:2014: a) lessai du caisson a ete annule; b) lensemble des essais en trajectoire rectiligne a ete elargi pour inclure egalement des essais d’elimination de differents types de debris aussi bien sur des sols durs que sur des tapis; c) lensemble des essais en trajectoire rectiligne inclut egalement un essai d’elimination de fibres d’un tapis; d) une methode de determination de la consommation denergie a ete ajoutee en tant qu’essai divers; e) un article distinct concernant le materiau et lequipement d’essai a ete ajoute.
Amendment 1 - Surface cleaning appliances - Part 7: Dry cleaning robots for household or similar use - Methods for measuring the performance
(Amendement 1 - Appareils de nettoyage des sols - Partie 7: Robots de nettoyage a sec a usage domestique ou analogue - Methodes de mesure de l´aptitude a la fonction)
Change published on 23.6.2022
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