Standard IEC/IEEE 63198-2775-ed.1.0 17.2.2023 preview

IEC/IEEE 63198-2775-ed.1.0

Technical guidelines for smart hydroelectric power plant

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STANDARD published on 17.2.2023

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Price479.50 USD excl. VAT
479.50 USD

The information about the standard:

Designation standards: IEC/IEEE 63198-2775-ed.1.0
Publication date standards: 17.2.2023
SKU: NS-1135610
The number of pages: 158
Approximate weight : 505 g (1.11 lbs)
Country: International technical standard
Category: Technical standards IEC

The category - similar standards:

Hydraulic energy engineering

Annotation of standard text IEC/IEEE 63198-2775-ed.1.0 :

IEC/IEEE 63198-2775:2023 describes the integrated control and management of smart hydroelectric power plants and groups of plants using the latest proven and widely accepted digital equipment. The descriptions are applicable to all types of hydroelectric power plants except tidal and ocean power plants. Based on internationally standardized communication models, this document incorporates guidelines for communication networks, sensors, local monitoring and control equipment, Integrated Control and Management Platform (ICAMP) as well as intelligent applications. In addition, special attention is also given to cyber security. This document considers the future structure of completely digitalized power plants equipped with digitalized sensors and actuators as well as the intelligent control and management of power plants with existing instrumentation. IEC/IEEE 63198-2775:2023 decrit le controle et la gestion integres des centrales hydroelectriques intelligentes et des groupes de centrales utilisant les derniers equipements numeriques eprouves et largement acceptes. Les descriptions s’appliquent a tous les types de centrales hydroelectriques, a l’exception des centrales maremotrices et oceaniques. Base sur des modeles de communication normalises a l’echelle internationale, ce document integre des lignes directrices pour les reseaux de communication, les capteurs, les equipements locaux de surveillance et de controle, la plate-forme integree de controle et de gestion (ICAMP) ainsi que les applications intelligentes. En outre, une attention particuliere est egalement accordee a la cybersecurite. Ce document examine la structure future des centrales electriques entierement numerisees equipees de capteurs et d’actionneurs numerises ainsi que le controle et la gestion intelligents des centrales electriques avec les instruments existants.

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